Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

Woman Put Your Weapon Down

Sami's POV
     I rolled over on my back, having the most glorious dream. Getting home fron the club at 6:30, I didn't expect to get much sleep. But as soon as I kicked my shoes off and climbed into bed, sleep took over. 

The morning was quite a blur actually, Bill had bought me a drink and we talked until the club was completely empty. I felt, something nice with him. He didn't pressure me to do anything, he didn't even touch me. I wouldnt have MINDED but still. 

The funny part about it though, was that I didn't go after white guys. After my dad left, I had just never had a good taste in my mouth concerning them. 

When it was finally time for me to go he felt my hair. Which was weird, but he claimed to have never ' touched black girls hair before.' usually, I would have gotten offended and kicked his scrawny ass. But for some odd reason, I liked him. Soon, I didn't even remember WHY I was mad before. 

Until I walked into the V.I.P area and saw Danielle kissing Georg. My blood boiled and cooled, she could have her stupid bassist, I was going for a bigger fish. And it's name was Bill Kaulitz. 

     I opened my eyes waiting for them to adjust to the harsh sunlight pouring through my window. My room was a mess as usual, clothes and magazines strewn across the floor as if a tornado ripped right through it. I sat up surveying the mess, maybe I could get my sister the maid to clean it up. 
Maybe she'd throw in a free mint. I laughed to myself imagining my sister drowning in my pile of clothes.

 Pulling my clothes off, I huddled under my blankets preparing to sleep before tonight. But I couldn't stop thinking about my sister. It was hard to believe that almost two years ago Audrey was my best friend. Until she started acting as if she was better than me. And until I found the note. 

The note was from my dad. I had found it in my mothers jewelry box. I hugged myself remembering what it said. I leaned over the side of the bed pulling a box from underneath it. It was a shoebox I kept all my memories in. Opening it, I carefully picked the note out unfolding it. It had so many tearstains on it. I had read it over and over again, splitting open the same wound. My hands shook as I looked it over.

I just can't, do THIS anymore. The drugs , yeah they were fun for a while. But I don't even recognize you anymore. You're not who I thought you were. And our girls.
It hurts to look at them. Especially Sami. She's so much like you. You can't imagine the countless times I wanted to hit her, or even KILL her, just because in retrospect, she IS you. I hate you for doing this. I hate HER for wanting to BE you. Audrey, if you ever read this, I want you to know that daddy loves you, no matter what. Take care of yourself, and never forget who YOU are. Check our special place, hopefully you'll find everything you need to know.
Goodbye Kristine.

I threw the note on the floor tears streaming down my face. I had to find the special place. I had to find my dad. I had to know why he didn't love me. I sat on my bed feeling pitiful. I couldn't even remember what he looked like anymore. There were no pictures in the house and my mind couldn't even conjure his voice. 

He was just an idea.

Marie's POV
     I had never been on a rooftop deck before. Especially at Club Noveau, I didn't even know there was one! It was funny, I could count how many rock stars I had slept with on 2 pairs of hands and feet. But NEVER have they invited me anywhere but their hotel room. 

When the band departed for their hotel seperately after the nights festivities, Tom coaxed me into spending some more time with him. So we went to the deck and sat in an armchair, just saying nothing. Being in College, I was missing a very important Orgo class, but who gives a shit. I was wrapped up in Tom Kaulitz' arms, watching the sun come up. It slowly rose above the skyscrapers bathing everything in light.

"I gotta get home." I said yawning. Tom rubbed my arm. 

"nope, you're staying with me." he said stretching his legs. 

"I don't even know what time it is, or if my sister's okay." Tom snorted. 

"she's okay alright. I saw her leave with-" and he stopped. I craned my neck to look up at him. 

"With who?" I was curious now. Tom stiffened looking uncomfortable.

" I shouldn't say." he said staring out at the city below. I pouted.

"Tell me, she's MY sister."
Tom poked my bottom lip. 

"You are by far the cutest groupie I've ever met." 
This comment bothered me. 'groupie' was such a harsh word. What bothered me the most though was that it was true. Not the me being cute part, but the part about me being a groupie. I brushed the comment aside looking him in the eye. 

"who'd she leave with Tomi?" he sighed pulling away. I sat straight, crossing my arms.

"Georg, your sister left with him." I looked at a potted plant sitting on the high ledge of the building confused.

"he has a girlfriend right? I mean, last time I was reading a magazine article it said that." Tom nodded playing with his lip ring.

"yeah, and she can't know. Nobody can."

Audrey's POV
     I ran into the the breakroom completely out of breath. Hans looked me over disapprovingly, but he didn't dare say anything about it. He handed me a thick Manila folder.

"this is the information of our newvest and most valued gvests. It includes their needs and preferences. If you reqvire help, Adele shall assist you." he said crisply. I took the folder gingerly folding the flap back and pulling out a neat stack of papers. 

"Tokio Hotel." I said reading the title carefully. Turning the page, I instantly recognized the man with crazily sculpted hair. Apparently his name was Bill Kaulitz. I made a mental note to look up this band online when I got home. Flipping through the dossier, my eyes fell on a picture of a built blonde guy with soulful brown eyes., it can't be...can it?

"Hans? W-who is this?" I asked jabbing a finger at the sheet. Hans looked down at me from over his wire rimmed glasses.

"read. The. Name. If you CAN read." he said walking away. I scanned the page locking on the name.

"Gustav Schafer." I said to the empty walls.

     I changed into a spare pantsuit that I kept in my locker for when I had to work reception on occasion. My palms sweated as I rode the elevator up to the penthouse. 

Would he recognize me? What would I say? Questions swam in my head like pirhannas. I had only accommodated to famous people a thousand times! Why was I so nervous now?? The elevator dinged as I hit the second from the top floor, it was requesting my master key card. I slid it in and continued riding up. My heart slammed in my chest as the doors parted. From what I could see, the room was empty. 

"hello? Ahh, Bill? Ted? I mean Tom!!" I called out slowly walking from room to room. One door was cracked shut. I looked around, pushing the door a bit. 

There were two lumps curled up in the blankets asleep. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped, covering the scream escaping my mouth. I spun around coming face to face with a grinning Gustav. He reached an arm around me shutting the door quietly.

"Audrey?" he asked his arm returning to his side.

"yeah...Gustav?" I asked tugging on a loose curl.

"how'd you know that was my name?" he asked shyly.
I held up the folder.

"I'm yours. I ah, *ahem* I'm your new temporary assistant, for as long as the band needs me." I stammered. Gustav looked at me amusedly. I Straightened my jacket, just a bit frustrated. Why was he laughing at me? There was nothing funny...but those eyes. Wow...
I thought analyzing them. 

"Would you like something to drink?" he asked turning on his heel. I cleared my throat.

"I should be asking if theres anything YOU need." I told him standing taller as I followed him to the kitchen. He looked over his shoulder as he opened the fridge.

"I'll take that as a 'yes I'll have some coke.'" I smiled having a seat at the long island. I looked around for the first time. The apartment was MASSIVE. it had high ceilings and was decorated in the highest of fashions. It even had flat screens in every room. 

But that wasnt the best part, the best part was the view. You could see all of Hamburg from the expanse of the balcony. In my head, i imagined sipping wine and watching the sunset out of that main window with a good book. 

Gustav set the glass Down in front of me with a napkin. I thanked him taking a sip and looking up at him. He stared back, musing and drumming his fingers on the marbletop. 

"Is there a reason you're staring at me?" he blinked, his face turning Scarlet.

"I uh." I cut in putting a hand up.

"look, Gustav, I know we're both a tad not sure what to do." he nodded gazing at my drink. "all we did was-"

"your boyfriend tried to punch me at the club last night." he interrupted. I reeled,

"wait, boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend." Gustav's fingers drummed faster.

"well he said you were together, tried to punch me, but I punched him back."
I was silent, trying to take all this information in.

"I' sorry about Rich. he thinks we're going to get back together, but we arent." I said definately. Gustav took my now empty cup and began to wash it. Wait...why am I apologizing I thought stupidly. I was the one attacked by paparazzi. 

"Gustav, let's just...pretend like nothing happened okay? Story is, You and I just met for the first time today." he scrubbed the cup. I pointed at it,

"you know the hotel can do that for you." 
Gustav nodded slowly, not really listening to what I was saying. I leafed through the packet, pulling out his file.

"I took the liberty of highlighting all the things you might want done on a daily basis and-"

"why aren't you dating Rich anymore?" he asked shutting the water off. I folded a corner of the paper uncomfortably.

"that's personal don't you think?" I asked turning on business mode.

"so is you taking my coke." he retorted. Touché. I rubbed my temples, closing my eyes.

"we just didn't work. He was too...pushy."

Gustav snorted, "yeah he was pushy alright." 

I laughed imagining little Gustav knocking the shit out of my tall boyfriend. My stomach hurt just thinking about how forceful he was with me. It always had to be Rich's way, or no way at all.

"thanks for dancing with me, I had a good time." he said blushing. So much for forgetting about it. He was just so damn cute.

Danielle's POV
     I heard voices outside Georg's room. I REALLY had to go pee and I didn't want anyone knowing I was here. I opened the door peeking through the crack. Astonished, I saw Audrey sitting on a barstool. I rubbed my head really tired. Was she on the tourbus? She was with Gustav, laughing about something. I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I leaned back into Georg. 

"come back to bed." he said into my hair. I turned around looking up at him smiling. He leaned in for a kiss, when his phone went off. He paused, his lips just a hair away from mine. His shrill ringtone ruined the moment.

"hold on." he said going to pick it up on the nightstand.

"tag." he answered, I stood in the doorway uncomfortably watching him turn to the curtained window. I walked over to the balcony looking down at all the little people screaming and singing their favourite Tokio hotel songs. And I was up here I thought smugly. Tuning into Georg's conversation, my heart fell.

"nein...du bist immer noch der beste. Ich vermisse dich...wie viele?( are the best. I miss much?)"
I put a hand on the window.

"so viel.(so much)" I bit my lip, unsure of what I was listening to. Georg paused.

"Ich leibe dich.(I love you)"
I looked down at myself, suddenly embarrassed at my pretty much half nakedness. Georg snapped his phone shut, making me jump. I heard him come up behind me.

 I let him hug me. But  what I really felt like was a lifeless rag doll in his arms. His new plaything.

"now, where were we?" 

Bill's POV 
     After I had woken up and taken a shower, I went to my room shutting the door behind me. Pulling the jeans on I had the night before out of my suitcase, I saw a strip of paper in the pocket. I curiously snatched it out looking at it intently. 

In sloppy handwriting, it had a number and Sami's name underneath it. She had managed to sneak it in my pocket. My mouth twitched into a smile. Her handwriting matched her personality, hasty and full of life.

I sat down on my bed slowly, debating whether I should call. Putting a hand on my wet hair, I decided that it could wait, just a bit.

Gustav's POV
     her laugh was like wind chimes, soft. I watched her as she got up from the barstool and smiled at me professionally. 

"thank you for the coke Herr Schafer." I laughed in spite of myself, it was hard to take her seriously when we had been pretty much dancing on eachother a few hours before. A flicker of annoyance flashed over her face. 

"once the other members have woken up, you'll give front desk a call and have them send me up to meet them personally." she said turning for the elevator. I wanted her to stay for a while. She was the only person I had met in a long time that had made me feel...human. But I just agreed and watched as the doors slid shut.

     After she had gone, I went to my drum kit that was set up in the soundproof recording room and just banged away. And soon Audrey looked less and less like the girl I met a few hours before. She was the hired help she pretended to be.

Audrey's POV
     My heart fluttered as I remembered the way Gustav looked at me. Maybe I was TOO Starstruck, I thought riding the elevator back down to the lobby. 

Changing into my uniform, I started my grueling tasks of scrubbing toilets and washing dirty laundry. Adele helped me strip down a messy bed, constantly looking at me worridly. 

"I heard you had to attend to some special guests." I nodded pulling a pillowcase from our cart. 

"are you okay?" she asked carefully.

"yeah, I'm fine." I lied. Truth was, I was feeling low. Gustav was being nice to me, and I just acted...well, as if nothing happened. But, something did happen. I met a great guy.

Rich's POV
     I tried the doorknob on Audrey's house. Lucky for me, she forgot to lock it on her way out. I slipped in, it was quiet. Strolling into Sami's room, I rapped her head. She shot up glaring at me.

"what the Fu-" she hollered. "rich? How the FUCK did you get into my house." I sat at her bedside. She covered herself, obviously not wearing much clothing under the sheets. Tasty. I thought looking into her eyes.

"I need to know, everything you can possibly tell me about Tokio Hotel's next concert."

"why?" she asked warily.

"because I want to know!" I snapped. She raised an eyebrow rising so that she was taller than me on knees.

"Rich. You fucking broke into my house. And now YOU'RE demanding answers? Oh HELL-" I raised a finger to her lips.

"do you want your mother knowing about your little lesbian relationship?" her face blanched, pupils dilating. She pushed my hand away hopping out of bed and slamming her door shut. She was standing in her bra and underwear not caring.

"she can't know Rich...she'll NEVER let me model." I inspected my nails.

"Then just tell me." she looked petrified for some odd reason. And then she told me.

"their first concert here will be at Die Welt Stadium." I waited for more.

"it starts at seven." I grinned standing up.

"see! That wasn't that hard now was it?" 

"SAMIR NADYA KLUM!!" we both heard her mother yell from the next room. She looked at me, her green eyes pleading.

"you've gotta go." she said opening her door. I shrugged leaving her room and going outside feeling refreshed. Step one? Check.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this Chapter is a bit more mysterious, and I had to explain more about Rich and Audrey's relationship. Also about Sami and Audrey's relationship(I had to explain these relationships or my best friend Mimi would have killed me). Next chapter should be veeeeery interesting as well! Soooo, happy reading!
Here are soome helpful URL's that will help you visualize some details from the story:
-Audrey's Pantsuit-