Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

Guilt Has Nothing To Do With it

Tom's POV
     I drove Marie home in the bands rental car. She fell asleep on the way there, an adorable line of drool trailing from her pert mouth. I focused back on the road, thinking. Shit, this is the first time I'm taking a chick back to her place and I haven't boned her. I was disappointed in myself. But mostly, I didn't WANT to bone her. For some odd reason, she just didn't turn me on like the other girls. She was...different. Something new. I resisted the urge to brush the few strands of hair tickling her nose. 
Did SHE want to sleep with me? I wouldn't mind...but I just didn't have the desire to. She sighed in her sleep. Before she had passed out, she put her apartment complexes address into my GPS, and I was nearing her street. I felt content. Like after having a good meal. Not full or stuffed.
Ha! Stuffed. I laughed to myself immaturely. I turned into the complex parking in front of building 8 like she said. As soon as the car stopped, she awoke, looking around sleepily. 
"am I home?" she asked her voice cracking. I brushed those hairs away, feeling like a pussy. Seriously? I was supposed to be FUCKING this chick, not caressing her fucking head. 
"yeah." I answered brusquely. She raised an eyebrow at my sudden change of attitude.
"oooookaaayy then," she said opening the car door and hopping out. I looked after her feeling extremely cockblocked. She started to walk away but turned around and came back leaning in through my rolled down window. 
"Tom are you okay?" she asked chewing on her thumbnail. I nodded.
"yeah, I'm straight" I said fixing my cap.
"Mkay." she said leaning into the car closer. Her lips met my cheek, colliding with soft force. I closed my eyes savoring it. And then she was gone, disappearing up the stairs of building 8.

Bill's POV
     I laid shirtless on my back, my cell plastered to my ear. I had dialed the number Sami gave me and listened as someone picked up the phone.  
"hello?" Sami answered her voice wobbling. I sat up concerned.
"Sami?" she cleared her throat.
"bill? Hi, how are you?" she answered, a door shut in the background.
"I see you've successfully managed to sneak your number in my pocket." I joked. She laughed, it was a nice sound. 
"yeah, I'm pretty good at that." I ran a hand over the tattoo on my arm. How many times had she done this? I thought, kinda jealous.
"what are you doing?" I asked. She coughed loudly, it sounded painful. 
"nothing, I just...woke up." she said throatily. "now I might go out and get some coffee, smoke a cigarette, I don't know. " I smiled.
"need some company?" the line was silent.
"I'd like that." she answered softly, and then she giggled.
"I almost didn't pick up the phone. The only person that picks up the phone here is my sister."
"well I'm glad you did, I'm pretty sure Tom took the car. But I can meet you at this pub I really like." Sami agreed, asking for the address and telling me what time she could meet me. When we hung up, I went to my suitcase pulling out an outfit that would hopefully turn attention away from me. I grabbed the room key and my wallet setting out for the pub. I walked outside blending in with the crowd. So far so good, I thought strolling along. The air was crisp, but it was a beautiful day. Reaching the pub, I ran right into Sami.
"we've gotta stop meeting like this." I said looking into her surprised face. She smiled excitedly.
"I don't mind." she looked so beautiful in her long brown dress and scarf. we stepped into the pub sitting across from eachother in one of the secluded booths near the back. It was then that I noticed the bruise on her collarbone. She saw me examining it and quickly covered the spot with her scarf. I was tempted to ask, but I didn't. 
"so what's a girl like you doing in hamburg?" I asked waving a waitress over. Sami asked the woman for a black coffee and I ordered a beer.
"I live with my mother."
"and sister." I pointed out.
"yeah, her too." she said playing with a paper napkin. I rested my head against the high back of the booth. 
"did you sleep after getting home from the club?" she asked changing the subject. I sat up laughing.
"nein, I stayed up late thinking." 
"me too." she said, her green eyes meeting mine. Then they shifted behind me, narrowing. I looked behind me as well seeing Georg and the other girl from the club with him. I waved them over. Sami made a sound of protest, but it was too late. Georg Slid in next to me as the girl he was with stood rigidly at the end of the table. 
"have a seat!" I coaxed. 
"I have to use the restroom." she said walking away. I shrugged to Georg who looked at the menu eagerly. Sami got up following the girl. 
"Who's the girl you're with? I asked Georg. "actually, where's the girl you're supposed to be with? You have a GIRLFRIEND Georg." he shook his head.
"bill, we're rock stars. It's what we do. Besides, evelyn and I aren't doing well." he said closing his menu. I bit my lip, my morals going to hell.

Sami's POV
     I pushed the bathroom door coming face to face with Danielle.
"what are you doing here?" I asked accusedly, I slammed the door behind me. Danielle backed away, turning to the mirror.
" I could ask you the same question." she shot back. I followed her grabbing her wrist. She tore it away. 
"don't be jealous just because I'm happy Sami. You're the one who broke up with ME." she yelled in my face. 
"you're the one who CHEATED on me!" I yelled breathlessly. We both quieted. I remembered walking into her apartment, following the sounds coming from her bedroom. Catching her in the act. Running out. Hearing her call after me. Yeah, I'm the bad girl alright. No. My side of the story's just not important enough to be told.

Danielle's POV 
     I loved Sami. With all my heart. But my mind wanders. My eyes wander. And when Ed westwick from Gossip Girl came in town, my thoughts wandered. I didnt want to. But, I was bored. Bored with the stuck life of being tied down. Now that I was being used by Georg, I didn't feel so good. Now I knew first hand how it felt to be the other woman. Sami looked at me her face hurt and lost. She nodded her head as if she were agreeing with something I said. And she walked out. I stood in the bathroom finally letting the tears hit the floor.

Audrey's POV
     I watched two of the Tokio hotel guys leave at seperate times as I took the trash out. Neither one was Gustav. 
He never called. I thought uneasily. He probably thought I was an uptight bitch. I sighed tossing the trash bag into the dispenser.
Walking inside I noticed that he still wasn't downstairs. Maybe I had missed him...i knew that If I went upstairs in the middle of doing my task list, Hans would kill me...but I didn't care. I slid into the elevator with a group of people. One by one the group turned into just me as I got closer to the penthouse. When I reached it, I noticed that it was again empty. 
"Gustav?" I called out. There was no answer. I went to the sound recording room, seeing Gustav behind the glass with headphones on, he was drumming. I pulled on the hem of my pinstriped maids uniform feeling stupid. He probably wanted to be alone and here I was. He looked up and jumped from his stool walking my way. He opened the door looking me up and down.
"your outfit is different." was all he said. I scratched my head looking down at my oxfords.
"yeah...I have to multitask." I said quietly. He nodded closing the door. "look, Gustav, I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you." I continued still looking at anything but his eyes. He was silent for a moment.
"it's alright, you were just doing your job." he answered. I bit my lip not saying anything. "Audrey, what happened to your face?" I looked up sharply, putting a hand to my cheek. 
"a door...hit me." I chuckled lightly. Gustav stepped closer pulling my hand away. 
"I didn't know doors had hands." he said seriously. I winced as he traced the mark. 
"they dont." I confessed turning away from his touch. Gustav took my hand.
"Audrey, when will you start telling the truth."
My thoughts bubbled over like boiling water. I did tell the truth! All the time! What is he talking about? He doesn't know me! He doesn-
"MY MOTHER HIT ME OKAY??" I screamed covering my ears. I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt like crying but nothing would come out. I was like a dam. Gustav wrapped his arms around me letting me keep my hands on my ears. I stood still, just letting his hug envelope me. This guy was a stranger. I thought stupidly. Why did I even come here? Gustav leaned down kissing the bruise, it was so soft, I didn't even think he touched it at all.
Oh yeah. That's what I came here for.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay soooo this is chapter five which I HAD to get done before I left for vacation according to my best friend. Umm, I should be back in a week and hopefully I can get chapter 6 done before I leave but NO PROMISES!! happy holidays!
Here are some helpful URL's to help you visualize details from the story:
-Sami's Brown Dress-