Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

I'm Going To Find A Happy Place

Rich's POV 
     I drove to the stadium where Tokio Hotel were supposed to have their next concert. I freely walked through since there was no concert going on. Strolling into my dads office near the stage, I sat heavily in the chair facing his desk. He was in the middle of a phonecall as always, completely ignoring me. I made faces at him. He furrowed his brow speaking German roughly, still not seeing me. Bored, I went to the only window in the room letting the autumn light stain my vision. Finally, good old dad hung up.
"what do ya want Richard?" he asked in perfect English. See, dad was an American business man who expanded his horizons by buying out this huge stadium and making it into a concert hall. This in turn made us, yes, you guessed it, extremely wealthy. I turned to face him, leaning against the window.
"I have a favour to ask." I claimed kicking the ground with my prada loafers. Dad leaned his weight on the desk making a steeple with his hands. 
"come sit down and just spit it out like a man!" he said jerking a finger at the chair. I obeyed slouching in the chair.
"okay look, I need tickets for the next Tokio Hotel concert." I said brushing some lint off of my pants. My father stood up, his face red with rage. Uh oh, here it comes.
"it better not be for that little Negro girl Audrey!! I'm tired of you bending over backwards for her! You're weak boy!" he hollered banging a square fist on the desk. I rolled my eyes.
"just give me the tickets dad, I've got bigger things to worry about than Audrey." I muttered waiting for him to log into his computer. 
"how many do you need." he asked his jaw quivering.
"just one. That's all I'll need."

Bill's POV
     Sami came storming from the bathroom, her face a picture of tragedy. I could tell she wanted to go. Her coffee sat cold in her place. Georg looked at her oddly.
"is Danielle still in there?" he asked her. Sami nodded slapping a few dollars on the table for the coffee. I was going to pay, but I didn't want to start anything while we were still in the pub. So I slid out of the booth. She walked ahead of me as I talked to Georg.
"I'll meet you back at the hotel later for our jam session. Around 5." Georg nodded looking behind me for danielle. I followed Sami out. She wrung her wrists pacing like an animal preparing for a fight.
"Sami." I said calmly. She didn't seem to hear me. I said it louder, she looked up at me.
"what?" I pushed her along so we were walking away from the pub.
"what was that back there?" I asked extremely disturbed by her behaviour. 
"nothing." she answered as we neared the stadtpark, which was like Hamburgs version of central park. I pulled my beanie down lower since this was a more public place and I could be noticed more easily. She walked aimlessly to a tree, standing before it, her face heavenward. I stopped, observing what she was doing. And she was doing nothing. Just standing. Maybe she was mad in the head? I didn't care, I joined her by the tree to see that she was crying. I took her face In my hands wiping the tears away with my thumbs.  Light trickled in from between the remaining leaves on the tree. 
"there, all better." I said. She swiped my hand away. 
"I wasn't crying." she said stepping away. Her eyes were rimmed with red, as if she had been crying all day, I just didnt notice. 
"it's okay to cry Sami." I said reluctantly. She jammed her hands into her sweater pockets .
"not if you're me." she said coming back to where she was standing. "I don't need anybody telling me that shit." 
"why are you so cold?" i asked feeling her freezing comment chill me.
She looked so worn and jaded. 
"because it's the only way to protect myself Bill. we can't all be powerful rock stars. The only time I've ever been famous was when I  'slept' with the schools quarterback last year. Or when I downed the whole bottle of tequila at the Christmas dance." I thought this over wondering If her sadness had any correlation  with the bruise on her collarbone. 
"Not everybody can handle being famous." I said picking a leaf off of a low hanging branch. "you have to have love for yourself before the world can love you." she roughly dragged a hand across her eyes, trying to get rid of a stray tear. I dropped the leaf taking her face in my hands again and kissing her. I didn't care if anyone was watching. She tried to pull away at first, but in the end started to kiss me back. It was careful, yet willing. And to my surprise, our lips felt like they were meant to be together. My missing puzzle piece. 

Marie's POV 
     I lounged around the house looking for sleep. But I couldnt, so laying on the couch I called Audrey. It rang going to voicemail. Her beautiful mahogany voice filling my ear and telling me to leave a message, so I did.
"Hey Dre, I just wanted to see how you were. And to tell you that you were AMAZING last night." I licked my front teeth, remembering that I had to brush them. "now I have to brush my teeth because I feel like I just licked the gutter. Call me back...I love you." I hung up tossing the phone on the floor and burying my face in the pillows. I wished that Danielle and I still lived with my mom so she would make me something to eat, but we moved out. Switching on the T.V. To listen to something, I went to the bathroom for my toothbrush. The channel was the entertainment channel. I smeared toothpaste onto the brush and brushed my teeth. I inspected my mouth in the mirror, listening to a young German woman talk to an interviewer.
"ja, I saw them at the club dancing, but I wasnt sure if they were together. I knew she was the DJ though." 
I brushed softer so I could hear the T.V. better. The reporter went on to say that the unidentified girl was seen with...Gustav Schafer! I ran from the bathroom putting two and two together as I watched the report. There was a Pic of Audrey running and shielding her face next to a picture of Gustav.
"holy fucking Shepard of Judea." I said spitting the foam in the kitchen sink and grabbing the phone again. I guessed that she was working right now so I called the hotel. 
"please let Audrey pick up." I murmured recording what was left of the report  on my TiVo. After two rings an unfamiliar female voice answered.
"Ritz Carlton Hamburg, how may I help you?" I sat on my knees biting on my thumbnail.
"yes, may I please speak to Audrey Klum, I believe she is on your's an emergency." I added quickly. 
"one moment." she said putting me on hold. I tapped my foot anxiously. The woman came back.
"I'm sorry, she seems to be cleaning rooms now and I can't quite locate her." I cradled my face in one hand unsure of what to do.
"okay well, as soon as she gets back, PLEASE tell her to call Marie Kallweit, write it down if you want. It's urgent." I said hanging up. 
"this is bad." I thought sinking to the couch and watching a segment on applying eyeliner.

Gustav's POV
     She leaned against my chest. Just breathing. It felt as if she hadn't been hugged in a while. I didn't even know how long we stood like this, but I liked it. We looked at eachother.
"housekeeping, is there anyone in here?" we both heard. Audrey's eyes widened at the sound.
"shit! It's my partner Adele." she hissed moving away from me. I ushered her into a closet, motioning her to stay for a moment. I walked into the great room smiling at Adele. She was a roundly shaped rosy cheeked woman.
"oh, hallo." I said standing awkwardly. 
"Guten Abend Herr Schafer.(good afternoon mr. Schafer)" 
"we don't need cleaning right now, but could you come back in a little bit?"
She nodded with her whole body retreating to the elevator. I ran back to the sound room letting Audrey out of the closet.
She fell out laughing. 
"that was a close one." her laughter was infectious. I busted out laughing as well.
"can you imagine what she would have looked like if she had seen me?" she continued wiping away tears with the back of her hand. 
I hugged her again, both of our laughs dying out. I intertwined my fingers into hers.
"what now?" she asked, her voice muffled against my t-shirt. 
"we pretend like nothings going on."

Audrey's POV
     I though about what Gustav said as I went to the front desk in a daze. Ina, the current receptionist waved me over.
I walked over resting my hands on the counter.
"a call came for you." she started. Uh oh, she was a stickler for no personal calls at work. 
"I should tell Hans," she continued. My blood ran cold. "but I won't." I breathed again, pulling on a curl.
"who called?" I asked. Ina sniffed sorting through a pile of papers.
"some girl named...Marie? Was it Mary?" she thought out loud. My intrest peaked at hearing my best friends name.
"yeah Marie is my best friend. What did she say." Ina rolled her eyes, annoyed with my questioning.
"she said something about an emergency and how you should call her straightaway." 
Why would Marie call me at work? It must be bad.
"thanks Ina. I'm going on break." I said absently.
"don't think I'm Doing you any favours Audrey." she called after me. I went to the breakroom dialing Marie's number on the workphone. I leaned against the wall. She picked up on the first ring.
"hello?! Audrey?!"
"yes. Why did you call me at work babe I almost got in trouble." I said worriedly.
"you were on the news Dre. They said you were an item with Gustav Schafer. Is it true?"
 I dropped the phone, not quite sure of what I just heard.
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Woo! I just put out my next chapter before going on vacation! I hope you enjoy it and I should be back next week cranking out some more drama. Happy Holidays!