Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

If Only The Lonely

Georg's POV
     So what if she left me there. So what if she told me to never call again. I had a girlfriend. I stormed out onto the balcony just off the living room. I didn't bother to close the door. I just stood grasping the railing of the barrier. I stared down at the stray fans thinking any of them could have been Danielle. But they weren't. I heard footsteps behind me. Bill came over and rested his arms on the railing staring out at nothing.
"maybe it was for the best." he pondered after several minutes of silence. The wind picked up speed blowing all my anger away.
"yeah, it could be a sign. I guess I misjudged her." Bill let out a breath leaning closer the the edge.
" careful with the way you treat people Georg. It'll come back to haunt you. And when it does, it won't leave ANY survivors." he said leaning back to his previous position. I stood up, letting the wind assult me. Bill looked up cautiously. 
"let's finish practice." I said walking back inside.

Audrey's POV 
     When my shift was over, I dragged myself home. At this point I was pretty much drained of all energy. I didn't even care when a few paparazzi followed me chattering amongst themselves. I arrived at my house happy and sleepy. But hearing the screams within I knew that the happiness wouldn't last long. I pushed open the door to find my mother ripping down picture frames and tossing them at random. I closed the door with a click, observing the overturned chairs and broken glass. My mothers eyes snapped to me, not quite focused. She lunged for me.
"where is it?" she asked, her eyes wild. I trembled beneath her glare.
"where is what?" I asked dropping my purse. 
"the DJ stuff. Tell me where it is?" she screeched. My heart rattled like die in a gamblers hand. 
"I-I don't have it anymore." she eyed me smugly.
"uh huh. Is that why your sister showed me this earlier today?" she fumbled in her robe pocket tearing out a flyer. The same flyer that advertised the Club Nouveau event. My breathing slowed, my lungs almost shutting down. 

Sami's POV
     I had come home from a long walk by myself after Bill had left me. His words stung.
Why was I so cold? I was an ice queen. No wait, that was my mother. Speaking of her, I heard her screeches before I could open the front door. I walked in seeing her leering over Audrey a paper clasped in her white knuckled fist. Audrey looked at me frightened. But there was a spark of hope in her eyes, almost as if she expected someone else to come to her rescue. I looked closer realizing the the paper was the flyer I had given my mom just after Rich had left that morning. My heart fell. 
What would Bill say about this? He had showed me so much tenderness. So much compassion, and here I was just watching my own sister look potential death in the red rimmed eye. I debated just walking past and going to my room. As my mothers hands rose to Audrey's neck, something in me broke. Broke open, I marched foreword grabbing my moms bony wrist. She looked down at it astonished then menacingly at me.
"how dare you, you little bitch. You can suffer with your sister." she growled grabbing my hair with her free hand and shoving me to the ground. "its both of your faults for making him leave me! If you had never been born hed still be here!" Audrey backed against the wall terrified. I got up again squaring my stance and pushing her backwards. She fell against a glass table hitting her head sharply. There was no blood, but she would be out for a while. Audrey choked back a sob looking at me. My mom made No sound as she laid sprawled on the floor, her vile mouth cracked open.
I thought quickly running to the cookie jar where I knew Audrey saved money for emergencies. I grabbed as much as I could taking her hand on the way out.
"come on." I ordered leading my whimpering older sister.

Gustav's POV
     I tried calling Audrey, but it went to voicemail every time. By the time Georg and Bill came back, I was kind of worried. SOMEONE should pick up the phone. I imagined the worst, her mom beating her or something more severe. We practiced all our songs flawlessly, but our hearts weren't in the music. Anyone could see that we all had things on our minds, good or bad. When we had finished, I tried calling again, reaching nobody.

Danielle's POV
     Marie and I sat motionless on the couch in our Pj's staring at the TV. The remote sat uselessly between us.
"why did you leave with him Danielle?" my sister asked suddenly. Her big blue eyes were round as saucers. I sighed grabbing a cigarette off of the coffee table and lighting it distractedly.
"because," I mumbled letting the smoke curl over my bottom lip. "we were both smashed. He looked good. I looked good. We had awesome sex. Happens all the time." I tried to make it sound as if it wasn't a big deal, but it was. Although Marie was younger than me by a few minutes, she suddenly seemed older as she turned back to the TV. 
"he has a girlfriend you know." she said slowly. I nodded letting my head fall back against the back of the couch. I blew rings to the ceiling.
"indeed I do." I got up to get a glass of water. "but it's over now." I finished. Satisfied with my answer, Marie flipped the channel. The doorbell rang, we both looked to it wondering...hoping for something, or someone. She leapt from the couch smoothing her hair back. I watched from the kitchen retreating into the shadows just in case it was who I thought it was. She opened the door where Audrey and...oh shit...Sami stood shivering and scared looking. I emerged from the kitchen puffing on my cigarette haughtily. Marie took their coats clucking over them like a worried mama hen.
"we need a place to hide out." Sami said meeting my eye. I nodded looking her over from atop my nose, blowing smoke out my nostrils.
"alright. Come on in."

Rich's POV
    I swung by Audrey's house finding that the front door was wide open,
Okay... I thought grasping my ticket. This isn't normal.
I heard a drawn out groan from the front room. Their mother laid on the floor in a heap. I had only met her once, and she was a very elegant woman. What was she doing on the floor? I closed the door behind me taking in the scene of broken glass and furnitue Lyin everywhere. I knelt beside her.
"Miss Klum? Are you okay?" she came to, her eyes fluttering open. She registered that I was in the room, turning to me weakly.
"Sami," she moaned. I knew it, that crazy whore had beat her own mother. "Audrey, where are they?" 
"wait, Sami and Audrey did this to you?" I said horrified. She didn't answer simply putting a hand on her feverish brow. I ran out to my car having an idea of where they went. Miss Klum called after me to help her, but I had to find Audrey.

Tom's POV
     After practice, the guys and I went to grab something to eat. I drove since no one else wanted to. I cruised around the block looking for somewhere to get something quick to eat. Everyone seemed to be back to normal joking around about P. Diddy.
"you're still talkin about him?" I said not taking my eyes off the road. Bill laughed maniacally.
"no we were just making fun of Georg. He talked Diddy's ear off." I laughed along with them, glad that even Georg was laughing too.
"I even offered him tickets to our next show. I was Soo fucking drunk." Georg said in between bouts of laughing. 
"well, I think we're not even CLOSE to being ready for our next concert. It's in like a week and we SUCK." Gustav lamented pulling his cap over his face. Our bodyguard snorted from the back backseat. 
"our fans would just be happy to see us." I said pulling into McDonalds and parking. We all put our shades on traveling to the front door in a loose pack. We strolled in hearing gasps and squeals from all around. Our bodyguard moved closer to us as girls started to approach.
"Gustav! Is she your girlfriend? Who is she?" a girl yelled. Gustav smiled conspiritorily.
"someone special." he said blushing. I rolled my eyes. How come he got all the attention for nabbing a girl, I did that every night! Maybe twice! My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a text from Marie.
"Hey, we kinda got a situation and need to borrow ur car."
I smiled imagining her texting, she had told me the night before about how hard it was for her to text on her phone since it was a touch screen.
I flipped it open responding now wondering why she needed it.
"Y" I typed sliding into one of the open booths with the guys. 
"it's n emrgenc. My friend Dre has 2 get 2 the hotel she works at. We hve no car." 
I ran a hand over my head overwhelmed. What was I? A chauffeur? But again, I remembered Marie's sweetness and decided to take a leap. Just for her.
"I'll b thr soon."

Rich's POV
     I arrived at Audrey's two best friends apartment complex, trying to remember the apartment number. I parked my jag exiting it and heading to building 8 and finding their apartment by memory. I knocked of the door hearing hushed voices from behind it. It ceased after I knocked. The door opened and Marie looked up at me skeptically.
"rich? What are you doing here?" she asked blocking the door. I switched leg positions.
"Is Audrey here?" Marie's eyes shifted.
"why?" I bubbled with anger yet again keeping it in check.
"I just, wanted to talk to her privately." Marie chewed on a nail nervously letting me in and shutting the door behind me.
"she's in my room sleeping." she said quietly leading me down the narrow white walled hallway. She held her door open,
"say what you need to say, and get out Rich. I'm not sure why her and Sami came here, but I don't want her more distressed than she already is." Marie left me, I walked into the room cracking the door behind me. Audrey wasn't really asleep. She laid on the bed staring at the wall with unblinking eyes. They rolled over to me.
"What do you want Rich?" she said tonelessly. I sat on the edge of the bed basking in the dying light of afternoon that streamed through the plastic blinds. I longed to lie beside her, to caress her hair like I used to. I remembered a time when she welcomed my embrace, not anymore.
"Audrey I...I don't think its wise for you to be seeing this band fellow." I said giving that stupid Gustav guy a once in a lifetime break. Audrey rolled on her back looking up at me. She still wore her maids uniform.
"Rich. I'm starting to think you have nothing better to do than stalk me." she said coolly. 
"And I'm starting to think you're making a bad mistake." I said with equal coolness. She rolled back on her side.
"Rich. I'm not interested Anymore, can you please just let me be happy? Leave me alone?" she said trembling. I couldn't give up. We were meant to be. Ever since we met at a train station 2 years ago. She was going somewhere all dressed up and I knew she was something special, just by the way she stood out.
"Audrey. I love you, you know that. And you love me too." I said grasping for straws. 
"Not anymore rich! Stop! It hurts when you do this to me!" she said frustratedly shoving her face in a pillow and sobbing. I got up letting her drown in her pathetic misery. She had obviously had made her decision, and I would make her choose an alternative.
"I recently saw your mother." I said walking to the window. Audrey hushed looking up at me slowly.
"how do you know about that?" she whispered.
"come away with me Audrey." I pressed. "come away with me and I won't tell ANYONE about what I saw...or heard." Audrey shook her head.
"I would rather be locked up than be with you again." she said bitterly. That wounded me. So I shrugged leaving the room.
"if that's what you want." 

Tom's POV
     I had picked up the girls after I dropped the guys off at the hotel. They were all silent. Apparently 'Dre' who was the DJ from last night and also Gustav's current booty call worked at the hotel we stayed interesting. We pulled up out front all going inside of the lobby. Dre's eyes were red and puffy and the rest of the girls looked uncomfortable. But the girl I was worried about the most was Marie. She stood outside of the group simply chewing her nails and thinking hard. Danielle and sami went opposite ways and Audrey disappeared to the employee area leaving me and Marie. She looked up at me worried.
"I don't know what's going on Tom." she said oddly. She explained what had happened and how Dre's ex had shown up before I came. I actually listened feeling bad for Marie. I put an arm around her shoulder leading her to the elevator.
"come on, I got just what you need." I said as the door closed.

Audrey's POV 
     Emotionally drained, I searched all over for Hans, I needed to take this week off, but he was nowhere to be found. I went to the lobby seeing Danielle and Sami sitting on opposite sides of the massive area. Sami sat overlooking the patio. I walked over sitting by her. She didn't look up, she just stared ahead.
"why did you defend ne Sami?" I asked. She put her face in he hands.
"because, youre still my sister." she said softly. After she said that, I felt another worry drift away. It was almost a surrender. Our wounds were healed...almost. Not wanting to fight, I got up putting a hand on her shoulder.
"come on, I got some people I want you to meet."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I'm thinking about taking a break or a hiatus from this story, if you would like for me to do otherwise, please tell me:) anyway, I hope you're enjoying the confusing plot!!