Status: Done:) For now...;) Copy...and i'll kill you:) Promise! © 2010Ash The Bash

On the Edge

Stay With Me

Gustav's POV
     I sat in the tv room waiting for Tom to get back so I could try and find out where Audrey lived and drive over. The elevator door slid open and Tom came in the blonde girl from the club in tow. She smiled brightly at me.
"Gustav right?"  I stood up wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans and shaking her hand.
"yeah." I mumbled. She giggled looking to Tom.
"so he really IS shy." okay who is this girl? She comes into MY space and starts talking about me like I'm not even here. They went off to Toms room shutting the door behind them. Before he left, he threw the car keys on the counter. I pocketed them heading to the elevator. Then the doors opened, I came face to face with Audrey. She took a step back, startled. 
"were you waiting for me or something?" all the heat rushed to my face.
"no I..." I fumbled in my pocket for the keys. "I was going out, but not anymore." I led her and her friend(?) whom I just noticed was there, into the room. Her friend looked around in awe.
"wow. I don't know if I'm more excited that I'm in TOKIO HOTEL's Hotel room...or that....yeah that's it." I smiled at Audrey who rolled her eyes.
"is Bill here?" her friend asked. Speaking of Bill, he emerged from his room, headphones clamped to his head. He looked up to the girl smiling hugely and coming up to her. Audrey looked stunned.
"you...know eachother?" she asked dumbly. I was just as confused. Bill nodded sliding his headphones off around his neck and hugging the girl. She squealed turning to Audrey.
"how do YOU know them?" Audrey looked at me and then dropped her gaze.
"I was Deejaying, and I met Gustav. And I work here remember." she pointed out. The girl ignored Audrey as Bill led her to the balcony.
"uh. I'm really confused." I stated scratching the back of my neck.
"same." Audrey said dully. 
"are you okay? I was worried when I called your house and no one picked up." she shook her head tapping a chewed down fingernail on the counter like a metronome. 
"my Ma. She, got really Sami, my sister, that girl...did something." her voice cracked at the end.
"did what?" I pressed. She looked up in alarm.
"we didn't seriously injure her, there was no bleeding or anything Sami just pushed her when she tried to hurt me." I shoved a hand in my pocket. I knew something bad had happened. Audrey stared at the onyx coulored counter. I took her hand leading her to my room enveloping her in a hug as I closed the door.
"well, I'm glad you came here." I said muffled as I pressed my face to her wild hair.
"I didn't. I came to talk to my manager." she said laughing against my chest.
"ah. I see." I said pulling away. But she grabbed my wrist. 
"don't." she ordered. So I hugged her again, heart to heart this time, both tapping on different walls. 
"I swear, your hugs are the best." she said looking up at me.
"your everything is the best." I muttered. I couldn't see her expression since the only light in my room was coming from out the window.
"well, you wouldnt know that would you?" she said teasingly and then she sobered.
"do you want to know?" she asked seriously. 
"yeah." I answered. She moved her face closer to mine, like when we were dancing and brushed her lips over the crook of my mouth. She bit my bottom lip, coaxing my mouth open with her toungue. It was like we was having a conversation without having to say anything. She wrapped her arms around the nape of my neck bringing my face against to hers. I untied the bow of the apron around her waist, letting it flutter to the floor. Honking cars and sound from faraway clubs was our only soundtrack as we crept closer to my messily made bed. 
This must be what it's like to go to heaven. I thought as she sighed against my mouth. She kicked her shoes of letting them roll from the bed. I pulled her stockings slowly letting them drift somewhere else. And as I inched her dress off, and time of night became infinite, I finally grew my wings.

Danielle's POV
     Sami was gone, and so was everyone else. I was pissed as shit when I also realized that I didn't have any cigarettes on me. I sat on the Lobby couch in a huff, crossing my arms and watching a tall lanky guy stroll in wearing a suit and yakking on his blackberry about some investment plan. I was the only one in the lobby at this time and he spotted me noticing no one was behind the counter to help me. He put whoever he was on the phone with on hold.
"Hallo! Have you been helped?" he asked. I put a hand up.
"no, I'm just waiting for my friend Audrey." I said wearily. The man looked confused. 
"Klum? She's not even on schedule." he said pushing his glasses atop his head. I shrugged. 
"she's seeing someone." I said checking my nails. The man came closer.
"who? Who is she seeing?" 
"some band, I don't know." 
Little did I know that the answer I gave was not the right one.

Marie's POV
     When Tom brought me into his room, I thought he had only wanted one thing. But I guess I was wrong. I laid on his bed in my Pj's spread eagle as he played song after song on his guitar for me. From Monsoon, to a song I didn't even know. But it was great. For a while, I didn't even think of anything. Soon, my eyes got heavy and everything I saw was topped off with the hair of my eyelashes. The last thing I saw before I went to sleep, was Tom spreading a blanket over me and turning out the light.

Tom's POV
     There goes the drool again I thought tucking Marie into my bed. She mumbled something Turning over and pushing her face to my pillow. I put my guitar down sitting in an armchair across my bed. 
"what is it about you?" I said out loud. Her response was a loud snore. I debated going out and hooking up with some random chick from the club, but I was just too lazy. Just sitting and watching the rise and fall of Marie's chest was enough. I pulled on my lip ring taking it out and setting it on the dresser. I pulled my shirt over my head and crawled out of my pants careful not to make noise. I dropped to the bed taking shape in the same position she was. She didn't move as I put my chin on her shoulder and smelled her hair. It smelled like cigarettes and mint. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes. 
"Goodnight Tom." she yawned.
"good night Marie." I whispered against her ear.

Bill's POV
     I offered Sami a cigarette and we both sat on the balcony smoking silently. I looked at her, just observing.
Pull, wait, blow. Pull, wait, blow. She did this over and over again not noticing my presence
"I just wanted her to love me." she said after her cigarette was done. She flicked the butt over the railing and watched it sail to the ground.
"I thought maybe ratting on Audrey all the time would make her appreciate me. But I only hurt myself." I let some ash crumble into a potted plant by my side. A big tear rolled down her cheek.
"I figured, maybe finding out what my dad left for her would make my mom change her mind. But she doesn't love us. She never did." she said choking back a sob. I put an arm around her shoulder, her tears soaked through my shirt.
"what are you talking about?" I asked. Maybe she was thinking aloud?
"my mom." she wailed clutching to my shirt. This was my favourite shirt, but I didn't care. "she thinks it our fault my dad left us. My dad hates me, I know it." we rocked back and forth.
"does she hit you?" I asked. I felt her nod. She sniffed loudly, I offered her the end of my shirt to blow her nose on. She sat up miserably sitting on her hands. Snot ran from her nose and her eyes were rimmed red. But she was still beautiful to me. 
"Sami, why didn't you say anything?" I asked pulling a curl on her head. She dragged a hand under her nose.
"I don't like being weak." she rasped. 
"you're not. You're strong, I can tell." she turned to me.
"sometimes I don't feel like it." her eyes were wide and frightened. I leaned over kissing her nose.
"don't go back." I murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She played with the hole in my jeans, winding a thread around her finger until the tip turned purple. Then she let go.
"this is my home, and what about my mom? I have no job, no money." she said shakily. "weve been living off of my Sisters paycheck and whatever is left of my moms modeling money." I rubbed her arms, it was getting cold out.
"is there anything you've wanted to do once you graduated?" I asked her. She sniffed, shivering.
"I want to be a model, like on the runway. My mom always promised to help me."
"...but she never did." I finished. She nodded standing up. 
"it's too damn cold to be sitting out here." she said going inside.
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Woo! Got back on track, hopefully the motivation keeps on Rollin!