‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

Hello, Again

“Thank you guys so much for coming out tonight!” I say into the mic.
The crowd cheers and I smile, I look over at Seth who's grinning like a fool.
“Here’s a new song,” I say, “I hope you guys enjoy it!”
They cheer as the song starts up and I’m excited to perform it for them. We finish our set and head off stage.
“I’m ready to go home!” Jackson smiles.
I nod, “let’s go celebrate.”
“What happened to you not drinking?”
I laugh and roll my eyes, “I’ve changed. Go in an hour?”
The guys nod and I smile as I head off to shower. I finish up and get dressed and call Anna.
”Want to go grab drinks?”
“Yeah, I’m just practicing a little,” she says, “when?”
“Half hour?”
“Sounds good,” she replies.
We hang up and I kill time. We soon head off to the bar and have some fries and drinks, spending our last night of tour together.
“So, I’ll see you in March, bridesmaid?” Anna smiles as we begin to leave.
“Of course,” I reply and hug her.
We say our goodbyes and head to our buses, ready to go back home. I sit in the back and feel my phone vibrating. I grab it and answer.
“Hey!” Sammy says.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“When are you coming home?” She asks.
“I’m headed home now, why?”
“I’m having a party tomorrow night.”
I laugh, “okay.”
“See you there?”
“Of course.”
“Okay, see you tomorrow, bud!”
”Bye,” I smile and hang up.
We reach our town a couple hours later and as soon as I’m home, I don’t bother unpacking and I go straight to sleep. Sure I’ll be seeing some familiar faces at the party tomorrow.

“I’m glad you could make it!” Sammy smiles when I enter her place.
“How could I miss my friends party?”
I smile at her and walk over to grab a drink.
“You realize that’s alcohol, right?” I hear someone say over the music.
I turn around and smile, “well hello, stranger!”
Eric chuckles, “how you been?”
“Good. I just finish tour, you?”
“Pretty good.”
I give him a small smile, I’m surprised he’s talking to me.
“When did you get back?” He asks.
“Last night,” I reply.
He nods a little and looks off, “I have to go talk to Sammy, but we’ll catch up later?”
I nod, “okay.”
He smiles and walks away. I take a sip of my beer, confused that things felt so normal between us. I go to meet up with some friends that I haven’t seen in a while. The night is fun and I visit with friends and drink a little. I don’t mind drinking now, which Alex would laugh at, but the whole drunk scene is still not my thing. I look around, a little curious as to why Alex isn’t here.
"Ashlynn!" Sammy exclaims an hour later.
"Hey," I smile.
She pulls me outside for fresh air and peacefulness, we collapse on the grass and I lay back, staring at the stars.
"How are you, rock star?"
I laugh, "I'm great! How are you?"
She smiles, "good. Miss tour yet?"
I shrug, "a little. But I love being home with my best friend."
She chuckles, "oh you, making me blush."
I smile a little.
"Have you seen Alex yet?"
"No. I thought he would be here?"
She sighs, "he said he was going to come but he had other plans."
"Oh," I say a little quiet.
"Just a heads up, Ash," Sammy says and I look at her, "he's dating someone."
"Really?" I say, surprised.
"Yeah, it's been about a month now. I've seen him a couple of times, the guys play some sets over in the pub."
"Do I know her?"
She shakes her head, "no. I don't know her either. Some random."
"Well, I'm happy for him."
"Are you?" She asks quietly.
I nod as I look at the stars again, "what's meant to happen will happen."
♠ ♠ ♠
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