‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

New Boyfriend? Nah.

“So, you remember my friend Sammy?” I ask Liam as we hang out for coffee.
He nods, “yeah.”
“Are you interested in her at all?”
He shrugs, “I hardly know her. She’s cute though.”
“Yeah,” I say quietly, “she’s into you.”
He chuckles, “is she?”
I nod, “mhmm.”
“Well then, that might change things.”
I chuckle a little and I see Jack enter the coffee place. He walks inside and when see’s me, he smiles and I smile in response.
“Who’s that?” Liam asks noticing.
“My friend Jack.”
“Oh,” he says looking at Jack who is now ordering.
“Yeah,” I sigh.
“Hey, Ash!”
I smile, “hey, Jack.”
Jack glances over at Liam and I introduce them.
“Nice to meet you,” Liam says.
“Likewise,” Jack replies.
“What’s up?” I ask Jack.
He shrugs, “coffee run. I have a band meeting in 10 minutes.”
“Oh,” I reply, “how is everyone?”
“Good,” he replies, “for the most part.”
“Tell everyone I say hi.”
“Will do,” he says, “nice seeing you.”
“Bye,” I say.
I watch as he walks out and I look at Liam, “shall we go?”
He nods and we gather our stuff and walk out. The bracelet hitting against my wrist but I refuse to think about Alex. Not today.

Alex’s POV –

“Coffee!” Jack announces entering the studio.
“About fucking time,” I joke as I take one.
“Sorry, I got held up.”
“Another hot chick?” Zack smiles taking his.
“Actually,” Jack says and looks at me, “Ashlynn.”
“Oooooh!” Rian and Zack exclaim.
“Yeah,” Jack says looking away from me, “she was there with some guy.”
“Some guy?” I ask a little too quickly and all 3 look at me.
Of course they were expecting me to react.
“Yeah, his name is Liam. He’s a cutie.”
Rian laughs as he turns to walk away, “Jack’s gone gay.”
“Have not,” Jack says, “I just appreciate the good looking people. Sorry I recognize those looks.”
I roll my eyes, “did it look like they were on a date?”
Jack looks at me, “you shouldn’t care, remember? You’re with Renee.”
I sigh as I sit back.
“Okay, let’s start!” Matt says walking in.
We’re in the meeting for an hour and once we finish, I head home, thinking about Ashlynn and this mystery guy. Maybe I should be moving on after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
New update! Sorry it's short!
I've been busy with school and I got a new puppy so I've been spending a lot of time with him!
Anyways, COMMENTS are the only way for an update.