‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

Plans And A Wedding

“So, we should go on a trip somwhere,” Sammy says as we relax in my living room.
“Go where?” I ask before yawning.
“Somewhere tropical,” she says, “so we can hit the beach in our bikini’s and meet hot guys.”
I laugh, “sounds like a plan.”
“I’m serious,” she says, “let’s go.”
“You have yet to give me a place,” I reply.
“Cancun?” She asks after a couple minutes.
“When?” Seriously considering it.
“Sometime next month?” She asks.
“Oh crap!” I exclaim as I sit up.
“I have Anna’s wedding next week!”
“How’d you forget that?” She laughs.
“I have no idea,” I sigh, “but I need to find a date.”
“Ask Eric?”
I stare at her, “you didn’t actually just say that.”
“I did,” she says and I scoff, “what!”
“Ask Eric? My ex-boyfriend?!”
“Yeah,” she says, “why don’t you try things out again?”
I shake my head, “I don’t want to.”
She sighs, “Jack?” I shake my head, "well, I'd suggest Alex..."
My death glare keeps her from continuing and I sigh.
She shrugs, “ask Liam?”
“I’m sure you would like that.”
“You’re not interested, right?” I nod. “So go with him.”
“You’re fine with it?” She nods, “okay. I’ll ask.”
“Just no kissing or anything,” she warns and I laugh.

“What are you doing on March 12th?” I ask Liam over coffee.
“Nothing, why?”
“Well, my friend Annabelle is getting married and I have to be there,” I explain, “I kinda don’t want to go dateless.”
He smiles, “you want to go with me?”
“If you’re willing.”
“Yeah, sure. It’ll be fun.”
I smile, “thanks.”
“Wait, did you only ask because you have to deal with ex-boyfriends?”
I laugh, “I don’t think so. I didn’t even think about that.”
He smiles, “it’ll be interesting.”
“Thanks for accepting.”
He nods and sips his coffee, “so, why do you have to be there?”
“I’m a bridesmaid.”
“Ah, so I have the pleasure of sitting alone.”
I give my best puppy eyes, “but I’ll be so grateful!”
He smiles, “sure, sure.”
I laugh a little.
“Will I get to dance with you?”
I look at him, “if you want to.”
“I think I'll be owed one.”
I smile, “so, any updates on Sammy?”
“Well, I can’t do anything now, until after the wedding, I’d feel like I’m going behind her back.”
I chuckle, “it was actually her idea for me to invite you.”
“Yeah?” I nod. “Okay, interesting...”
I smile, “you should go for it.”
He nods, “I think I will.”
I finish up my coffee and head back to my apartment. I smile to myself, happy I have Liam as sidekick for the wedding.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taken so long! I've been super busy!
I've also been trying to figure out what the hell to do with this story!
Anyways, hope you enjoy this one.
COMMENTS are what this story feeds off of!!