‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

Oh Sammy

“This is exactly what I needed,” I smile to Sammy.
“I love the beach!” She exclaims.
“Me too,” I reply.
“Too bad we came during Spring break,” I sigh.
“Why! There’s hot men!”
I chuckle, “that is true.”
“Maybe we’ll get lucky this trip.”
“Yeah,” I laugh, “thanks for convincing me to come.”
“Of course.”
We continue to suntan when I feel sand kicked up at me and I sit up to see a volleyball beside me. I grab it and look up to see a guy running over to get it.
“Sorry about that,” he says and I hear an English accent.
I smile, “no problem.”
I toss it up at him, getting a good look of him and I see how hot this guy is. I watch as he throws the ball back to his friends and turns back to me.
“I’m Josh,” he says and holds his hand out.
I smile as I take it, “Ashlynn.”
“Nice to meet you,” he says and I nod.
“Hi there,” I hear and remember Sammy.
Josh looks over at her, “hey!”
“Sammy,” she says.
She smiles and looks at me, “I’m going to head back to the room.”
“See you in a bit.”
I nod as she grabs her towel and bag and leaves.
“Mind if I join you?” Josh asks.
“Please,” I smile and he sits in the sand.
“So, where you from?” He asks.
“Maryland,” I reply.
“Nice,” he says.
“London,” he replies.
“That’s awesome!”
He chuckles, “yeah. Here for Spring break?”
I shake my head, “my friend just wanted to take a trip and it happened to fall into this time.”
“Ah,” I he says.
He nods, “I was kind of forced down with my friends.”
He shrugs, “I guess I can meet cool people. Could be worse.”
I smile a little. I stay on the beach with Josh for a couple hours until his friends want to head off.
“Want to meet up tomorrow?” He asks.
I give him a small smile, “I would, but I’d feel bad for ditching my friend.”
“She can come, too,” he smiles.
I hesitate, not sure if Sammy would want to. I sigh, pushing the hair from my face and I nod.
He gives me a place to meet and we part ways. I head into the hotel and I see Sammy has showered and is watching TV.
“Shouldn’t you be out partying?” I joke.
She smiles, “who was that cutie?”
“Some guy from London,” I smile.
“I noticed. So, what about Alex?”
“Alex who?” I ask and she grins.
“He wants to meet up tomorrow,” I tell her.
“You want to come?” I ask sitting on the bed.
“Hm,” she says thinking, “I think I’ll hang back on this.”
“Let you have a Spring Fling,” she winks.
I laugh, “yeah, right!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't exactly care for the next coming chapters but whatever!
New update for ya!