‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

Drunk Actions

"You sure you don't want to come?" I ask Sam.
She smiles, "you go have fun."
I glance at her, "I don't know when I'll be back."
"Take your time," she smiles, "I might go for a night swim."
“I gotta go,” I say as I slip on my shoes.
“Don't get into any trouble," she smirks.
I roll my eyes and chuckle.
“Have fun,” she says, "but not too much!"
I laugh as I head out and I walk off to meet up with Josh.
“Hey,” Josh smiles when I walk up to him.
“You party?”
I shrug, “sometimes.”
“You up for it tonight?”
He smiles, “alright let’s go.”
I follow him as we go to a part over at the beach and he hands me a drink.
“Let’s go sit over there,” he says indicating to a big log.
I nod following him and we take our seats.
"What's this?" He asks as he gently touches my bracelet.
Why do I still have this? "Oh, was a gift from a friend."
"I like it," he responds still looking at it, "do you like music? Or...?"
I let out a chuckle and nod, "uh, yeah, I love music. I'm actually in a band."
His eyes widen, "no way! I knew it!" His arms go up as if he's cheering for himself after making a goal.
I give him a puzzled look, "you knew it? Knew what?"
"A couple years back my friends and I got tickets for a music festival in San Francisco, we made a trip of it," he explains and smiles, "I thought you looked familiar. You had light colored hair then."
I don't know how to respond, "you saw me at a show? That's insane."
"Small world, isn't it?" He sounds so excited that it's adorable.
I look down and laugh, "no doubt."
"It was such a great show," he continues, "I didn't know many of the bands, I'm sorry to admit that yours was one of them," he chuckles a little, "I really only knew one band, maybe 2."
I smile at him, "it's all good. We're not big or anything, which I like. Which bands did you know?" I ask curiously.
"Well, I will tell you that once I heard you guys I became a bit of a fan," he says as he nudges his shoulder to mine, "uh, All Time Low was the band," he responds as he looks at me again. I may have screamed like a teenage girl when I saw them," he laughs and shakes his head, "do you know them?"
Of course it's them. Of course it's Alex. I sigh and look at the bracelet, hesitating on how to respond. I look back at him again, I give a little nod.
"Yeah, actually, we all became friends with each other," I tell him, "they're great."
Ugh, if Alex heard me saying this...
"That's wicked," he says, completely amazed at this conversation. I smile because it's hilarious and cute for him to react this way, even though I don't know him that well.
We spend a couple hours getting to know each other and as the night presses on, more drinks are handed to me and I shove them back. I find out that Josh is 23, his mom and dad are divorced, he has 3 step siblings and 2 of his own siblings. He lives on campus at his university. But as we continue to tell each other about ourselves, I’m too drunk to care. As I slowly come back to reality, I realized I’m pressed up against him as our lips are attached.
I quickly pull back, “I’m sorry!”
“I quite enjoyed it, actually,” he chuckles.
I look down embarrassed, but his hands gently take my face and forces me to look at him.
“Don’t stop,” he whispers and kisses me again.
This guy could really kiss. My arms automatically wrap around his neck as he deepens the kiss and I feel like I could faint.
“I should get going,” I say a few minutes later.
“Can I see you before I leave?”
"When do you leave?”
I smile, “yeah, for sure.”
He smiles, “I’ll come find you.”
I chuckle, “good luck.”
He gives me a quick soft kiss and I head off, somewhat sober, to the room.
“How was it?” Sammy asks when I stumble in.
“That guy can sure kiss!”
“Are you drunk?” She laughs.
“A little.”
She rolls her eyes, “you’ve changed, Ash.”
“I’m more fun.”
She laughs, “you sure are.”
“I’m tired.”
“I bet,” she replies as I collapse on my bed.
“You going to see him again?”
I nod, “he leaves Friday.”
“Hm, that's soon.”
I don't respond. Instead, I close my eyes and drift off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nahhh....It's called a fling ;)
So there's your update. Enjoy it!