‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

Another Tour

I got up kind of early the next morning and I immediately get dressed and eat some breakfast. As I head into the living room, my phone begins ringing.
“Hello?” I answer.
“Hey,” Jackson says.
“Hey,” I reply, “what’s up?”
“Band meeting in an hour,” he says.
“Okay, thanks.”
“See you later.”
“Bye,” I reply and we hang up.
That’s why I like being on the phone with Jackson, it’s quick and to the point. There’s a knock at the door and I go to answer it. Seriously?
“Hey,” I see mom.
“Hi, want to go shopping?” She smiles.
“Okay, but I can only go for an hour.”
She nods, “that’s fine.”
I grab my stuff and head out with her. We take separate cars so I can leave when I have to. I get to the little mall and I see mom, I head over to her and we head inside.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve done this,” she says linking her arm with mine.
I nod, “it has been.”
“How have you been?” She asks.
“Good. You?”
“Great,” she smiles, “been cleaning and baking, so nice.”
“That’s good,” I reply.
We head into a couple of stores and as mom runs off to the end of one of her favorite stores, I bump into Eric.
“Hey,” he says looking at me.
“Hi,” I say quietly.
He gives me a small smile, “how are you?”
“Good,” I reply, “you?”
“Pretty good,” he says.
“Why are you in a women’s clothing store?” I ask with a small laugh.
He chuckles, “women clothes are better than men's.”
I smile and I notice a small blonde walking over.
“I’m actually shopping with my girlfriend,” he says a little nervous, “Ashlynn, this is Nicky.”
“Nice to meet you,” she smiles.
“You too,” I reply.
“I’m just going to try this on,” she says holding a purple shirt to Eric.
He nods and she gives me a smile before going off.
“I didn’t know you were dating someone.”
“We’ve been together for a month now,” he says quietly, "fairly fresh."
I nod a little and look around, catching the time on the clock.
“Crap,” I sigh, “I have a meeting in 10 minutes,” I look at Eric, “it was nice seeing you.”
He nods, “same here. We’ll have to get together soon.”
I smile, “yeah. Bye.”
I run over to mom, saying goodbye and I rush out to my truck and I drive off to the studio. I get in, a couple minutes late. The guys look up.
“About time,” Seth smiles.
“Sorry, I was at the mall.”
“It’s fine, Ash,” Mark says, “sit.”
I do so and wait to find out what’s going on.
“So, with the release of the new record coming out, hopefully soon,” he begins, “it would be a good idea to do a tour to promote it.”
“But we just got back from one,” Ben says quietly.
“I know,” Mark says, “but this will be a small tour. Only 20 or less shows in smaller places.”
“When?” I ask.
“Up to you guys.”
I look at the guys who are thinking about this. Jackson looks up.
“How about July? Like a Summer tour.”
I think about it and then nod, “works for me.”
“Same,” Ben agrees.
“Me too,” Seth says.
“Okay, we’ll get it set up,” Mark says.
The meeting ends and I head out. I head home and as I walk to my apartment, I see a note sticking in my door and I grab it.

I came by to chat like you said but I guess you’re out. Call me and we can get together.


I crumple up the little paper and head inside, tossing it away. My phone rings and I answer it.
“He asked me out!” Sammy says before I say hello.
“Who? Liam?”
“That’s great,” I smile.
“He asked me like, 5 minutes ago!” She continues, “we’re going to dinner Friday.”
“I’m happy for you,” I reply.
“Thanks,” she says, “I better go, he’s coming out from the bathroom.”
I laugh, “okay, bye!”
We hang up and I shake my head, a small smile on my face and it eventually fades. Everyone has someone they’re with except for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
We're almost getting theeeere!
Sorry, this one's kinda...bleh!
Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!
Comment! :)