‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

Bonjour, France!

“When are the guys getting here?” I ask Alex once we're in the airport.
“About that,” he says slowly.
“Alex,” I sigh.
“They’re not coming. Never were, actually.”
“You lied to me?”
“Kind of.”
I stare at him, “why are the two of us going?”
“Because, I want to go on a trip, you haven’t been there yet, and maybe this will help along things.”
He shakes his head, “we can talk about this there.”
“What makes you think I’ll agree to go with you now?”
“The tickets are paid for and you wouldn’t let me go alone. I know you want to go.”
I sigh as our flight is announced. Alex looks at me.
“Will you still come?”
I hesitate and stare at him, thinking. I have always wanted to visit France... and going with Alex is a little exciting.
He smiles and I follow him to our plane. Once we’re in our seats, the typical routine plays and soon, we’re on our way to France.
“You know you’re going to have to explain to me, right?” I ask him.
He sighs, resting his head against his seat, “I know.”
I shake my head, “why would you lie?”
“Because I wanted you to come so bad,” he says quietly, “I thought if I said it would be just the two of us, you’d find an excuse to not come.”
I look away, “you’re probably right.”
“Can we please enjoy this trip?” he whispers.
Alex’s hand gently takes mine and he falls asleep. I stare at our hands for awhile. Our fingers fitting together perfectly. I look away, resting my head back, hoping to rest.
“Wow,” I breathe as I look out the window to the view as we land.
Alex leans over me to look, “beautiful.”
“It is,” I agree.
He sits back in his seat. We land and soon, we’re off the plane in the surprisingly empty airport.
“It’s almost empty,” I say to Alex as we walk off.
He nods, “well, it’s like, 2 in the morning.”
“Is it?”
He nods.
“Wow,” I say as we walk outside.
We get a cab to our hotel and Alex leads me up to the rooms. We get to almost to the top and I follow him down the hallway and we stop in front of a door. He opens it up and walks inside, putting his stuff down and I look around. One bed. Wait, ONE BED!?
“Are we both sleeping in here?”
“Makes sense. Why waste the money on separate rooms?”
“There’s one bed!”
Alex looks around and sighs, “it was really the only one left.”
I look at Alex, “were you planning this?”
He looks down at his stuff, “not this part. We can ask for a cot tomorrow.”
I sigh, “okay.”
Alex scratches the back of his head as we move further into the room. I see the view and I gasp.
“Did you plan this?”
“Maybe," he gives me a cheeky grin.
“Explain, please..."
He sighs and sits on the bed, “you asked me if I would wait for you. I have been. I mean, okay, I’ve been with someone within that time but I’ve let her go because I’ve been waiting to be with you. Being with her felt like I was killing time...”
“So this is suppose to be a romantic trip to seal the deal on us?"
He shrugs, “I was hoping you would finally make up your mind about us being together." Well, at least he's honest about his intentions... AFTER getting me here.
I sit on the bed in the center, crossing my legs and look down at them. I hear Alex sigh and glance up to see him rise.
"Alex," I begin with a little hesitation, "to say I'm in shock that you did this would be an understatement."
"I'm sorry," he begins but I shake my head wanting to continue, his mouth snaps shut.
"I'm not upset at you, I want to clarify that," I say slowly, "this has to be the most romantic thing anyone has done for me, even in my dreams," I let out a soft chuckle, "I only ask that you give me time to process this. I mean we're in France together!"
He nods a little, "you're right. I understand."
I respond with a smile, "anyways," I look around the room, "I think maybe we should go to sleep?"
“I’ll sleep on the floor,” he offers.
I shake my head, “come on,” I motion to the spot beside me, “it’s for one night.”
Alex hesitates but he joins me on the bed and he turns out the lamp.
“Goodnight, Ash.”
“Goodnight,” I whisper.
I don't know how long I stay awake for, and I sense Alex struggles as well but rather than check, I let my thoughts absorb me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe! France together? Will this start something? ;)
Hope you enjoyed it!
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