‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

First Day In France

“This place is amazing,” I smile as Alex and I go touring.
“It is,” he nods.
“I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave,” I chuckle.
He smiles, “it would probably cost a lot.”
I shrug, “I don’t care. I love it.”
He chuckles as we continue sight-seeing.
“You hungry?” Alex asks a couple hours later.
“Yeah, a little.”
“Let’s go grab a bite.”
I nod and we walk over to a small restaurant on a corner and we take a seat at a table outside on the patio.
“You can speak French, right?” I ask quietly.
“A bit,” he replies, “can’t you?”
I shrug, “probably enough to embarrass me.”
He chuckles and helps me when ordering. I hate to admit it, but the waiter is cute, his brown hair is short and styled up and he has the most gorgeous green eyes. And the best part, he knows English.
“Where are you guys from?” He asks us.
“Baltimore,” I smile.
“Really? My brother and his wife live an hour away from there.”
I smile, “small world.”
He smiles and takes our orders in and I look at Alex who’s watching people as they walk by. We mainly sit in silence, the only talking is from the waiter when he comes to check on things. We finish eventually and Alex pays, after an arguement with me, which I lost.
“If you ever want a tour guide, I’d love to show you around,” the waiter, Rick I finally found out is his name, tells us but Alex doesn’t look interested.
I smile, “thank you, that’s really nice of you to offer.”
He smiles, “enjoy France.”
Alex and I walk out and begin walking down the street.
“Could he be more obvious?”
I look at Alex, surprised, “he speaks!”
He looks at me as I giggle and he rolls his eyes.
“Obvious about what?”
“He was flirting with you.”
“I hear jealousy.”
“Of course,” he mutters, “I mean, I’m sitting right there! I could be your boyfriend and he’s flirting right in front of me.”
“Relax, Alex!” I laugh, “he’s just being nice.”
He mutters something under his breath and I pretend I don’t hear anything as we continue our day. Eventually, we grow tired of sight seeing and I buy a few things so we head back to the hotel. I have a shower and change into my PJ’s, getting on the bed.
“We forgot the cot,” Alex realizes as he stands at the side of the bed.
I shrug, "I guess we're bunking again."
We slide into the bed, Alex turns on the TV but mutes it. "So... thoughts on what you want to check out tomorrow?"
I give it some thought but I'm too tired to give much, "I trust your feet to lead us places."
He sticks them up in the air, wiggling his toes, "you mean these gorgeous feet?" He begins to lower one to me, still wiggling.
I laugh as I push it away, "ew, stop! But yes...those... gorgeous feet."
He grins as he lets his legs flop onto the bed, and he rolls over to face me. We lay just inches apart and I feel my breath hitch in my throat. If I didn't know any better, I swear he's going to kiss me. Suddenly I feel his foot on my bare leg, lightly rubbing it and I feel confused.
He closes in another inch, our eyes locked on each other, and I know it's going to happen.
"These gorgeous feet," he whispers, mood destroyed. He laughs as he takes his foot off of me and I feel my face flush in slight embarrassment.
Before he can see my red cheeks, I roll-over onto my other side, my back to him, "okay well on that note... goodnight, dork."
His laughing turns softer until it's gone completely, "goodnight, doll."
I resist the urge to chuckle, closing my eyes and just before I fall asleep, I can feel Alex resting his hand on my side.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short! I'm taking a quick break from homework ahaha!
Hope you enjoyed, thank you for the read!
Please, comment, it's great to hear feedback!!