‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

I Hate Love

“I was stupid to tell you I didn’t want this,” I whisper to Alex.
He pushes the hair from my face, “I told you I would wait.”
“I can’t believe it’s taken me this long,” I say as our eyes meet.
He smiles, “at least you’ve realized.”
I nod a little as his lips press to mine and I instantly kiss him back.
“I love you,” I whisper to him.
I bolt awake in the dark, a little freaked out. I look around and see I am, in fact, alone in my apartment. Why am I having that dream!? I get up and head into my bathroom, splashing water on my face. I dry my face and look at myself in the mirror, trying to read the emotion on my face. Was that happiness or disaster? I shake my head and I go back into my room. I lay down, not sure if I want to fall back asleep. After a half hour, I realize that I’m not tired. I glance at the clock seeing it’s 5 in the morning. I decide to get up and I have a shower. I feel weird all day, not sure how that dream was to me. As I put down my guitar at noon, there’s a knock at my door. I answer it and see Alex.
“Hi,” I say quietly.
“Hey,” he replies.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, feeling weirder.
“I have something I wanted to give you.”
I let him inside and I shut the door. I hesitate before I turn to face him. I eventually do and he looks at me.
“I’ve been wanting to give this to you for months, actually and Renee found it last night.”
I watch as he pulls out a blue box and hands it to me.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Open it,” he says.
I slowly take it and I open it. I shake my head.
“Alex, I can’t take this.”
“Please,” he says quietly, “I can’t keep it. I tried returning it but they wouldn’t take it. I think it’s a sign that you should have it.”
“Alex,” I begin.
“It’s been in my house for months,” he continues, looking down at it, “I’ve been wanting to give it to you but I kept forgetting.”
“Why did you buy this?”
“It was my way of showing you I loved you," he says with a little shrug.
I feel guilt in my stomach, “Alex.”
He takes the box and takes the beautiful bracelet out, he takes my wrist and puts it on for me. I stare at it.
“It suits you,” he says quietly.
I look up at him, “thank you.”
He nods, “you’re welcome.”
I sigh, “how are things with Renee?”
“Good,” he shrugs.
“How did she react when she saw this?”
“She kinda went into a panic mode,” he chuckles.
I look down, feeling crappy about myself. Alex’s hands cup my face, forcing me to look at him.
“I still love you,” he whispers.
I try to look away from him but I can’t and he kisses my gently. He lets go of me and he leaves with nothing else said. I look down at the bracelet and I can still taste his lips on mine. I shake my head as I take a seat on my couch, not sure how I’m feeling. I look at the bracelet, twisting to see all of it. I twist it around and see a little silver heart charm, “love” engraved on it. I sit back and groan… Love stinks.
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Okay, there's the update and it'll probably be the final one for a few days.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I don't get home until the 28th.
I highly doubt I'll update during my trip but if I get more than one comment, we'll see.
So, comment if you want an update.