‹ Prequel: I've Got Luck
Sequel: I'm Still Waiting
Status: Completed! Check out the sequel!

This Dream Isn't Done

The New Guy

I met the new guy. Oh, did I ever meet him. I was coming home from Sammy’s place when I was in the lobby grabbing my mail when he walked in.
“Hey,” he smiled to me.
I look at him, confused as to why this stranger was talking to me. But then I kind of thought about it.
“Hi,” I smile back.
His big hand extends out to me, “I’m Liam.”
I take his hand, “Ashlynn.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“You too. You the new neighbor?”
He nods, “just moved in a couple days ago.”
“Where were you before?” I ask curious.
“Toronto,” he replies.
“Canada? Wow.”
He smiles, “will you be coming to the party?”
“Um, I’m not sure yet.”
“You should,” he says.
I give him a small smile, “if I don’t have plans already, I’m there.”
“Alright, see you around,” he says taking his mail.
I watch him walk off to the elevator and I turn back to my mailbox, grabbing my stuff and locking the little door. Wow!
“What does he look like?” Sammy asks.
“He has black short hair, built very well,” I chuckle, “he’s from Canada.”
“Really? He sounds cute!” She says, “a new love interest?”
I laugh, “nah.”
“Why not!”
“I don’t really care to have a relationship right now.”
“Is it because Alex isn’t single?”
“Shut up,” I laugh, “no! It has nothing to do with him.”
“Sure. When’s the party?”
“Tomorrow night. Hey,” I say as I read it, “I can bring a friend!”
“I’m coming!” She quickly follows.
“I was thinking of inviting my mom,” I start.
“As if! I’m coming.”
I laugh, “okay. Get your skinny ass here around 7:30.”
“Will do. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye,” I reply and we hang up.
I sigh as I get into my PJ’s and get cleaned up. As I watch TV, my eyes drift back down to the bracelet on my wrist. Why am I still wearing this?
♠ ♠ ♠
So...I only got one comment, that's upsetting.
Thanks for the comment!
I made this one short for a reason...if you want another update, comment.
I don't want to sound mean but it's nice to know what people think.