Status: welcome to my Draco Malfoy Story, please Comment and tell me what you think. Thanks

The Mind Doesn’t Know What’s Best

Natalie Harper has just received the Dark Mark. She is unsure that this is what she really wants, not to mention she falls more and more in love with Draco Malfoy, but with the help of her best friend Cassidy, Natalie is able to survive her firs task as a Death Eater and possibly catch Draco's eye. Until that is Natalie is given a task so great that she is unsure she can complete it.

Note: I own Natalie, Lucas, Cassidy and their families. The Plot of this story belongs to me and I will not accept any copy cats. Jk Rowling owns Hogwarts and the characters that go along with it (Draco, his family, Harry, Ron and Hermione and their families, The Death Eaters, Voldemort and everything else that was in the books)
  1. Marks Are Strange
    Natalie gets her dark mark. In conflict she seeks the help of her best friend Cassidy
  2. Boys rule and Girls Drool
    Natalie makes a wadger with Draco that isn't so good for Cassidy. Boys vs Girls Quidditch Match.
  3. You’re just as sane as I am
    Natalie goes to her first meeting gets her mission and discovers it may be harder then she thought.
  4. Mrs. Draco Malfoy
    Natalie and Cassidy come up with a plan.
  5. Apologies are Second Chances
    Natalie apologizes to Harry putting the plan into action.
  6. But let Yourself Have some Fun
    Natalie wonders about Draco and unexpectedly has Harry in the last class she thought possible.
  7. First Move
    Natalie has a talk with Draco.
  8. He’s Romeo and you’re Juliet
    Natalie and Harry meet in the Library. Harry suspects that something is going on between her and Draco. Will the mission fail or will Natalie keep cool?
  9. You can be a Brat
    Draco and Natalie have their first fight and Natalie finds out why Draco was spying.
  10. A lot Nicer than some of the Other Slytherins
    Hermione Spill the beans, Harry and Natalie meet up in the library again.
  11. Why is it Always you Three?
    Natalie goes to The Three Broomsticks with Ron, Hermione, and Harry.
  12. We Have Problems just like Everyone Else
    Hermione helps Natalie with a situation and Natalie explains things to Hermione.
  13. This is a Death Sentence Waiting to Happen
    Natalie and Draco fight on the train ride home. Meeting at Draco's and Natalie finds out why Cassidy is alone
  14. She May Have Made a Bad Choice
    Natalie and Draco make up. Natalie finds out some horrible news that she can not tell Cassidy.
  15. I Guess If you Go Public
    Natalie makes the relationship public. Natalie discovers the after math of Draco and Harry's fight.
  16. A War Will Break Out
    Natalie talks with Snape and finds out what Draco has been up to. Draco tells Natalie the other mission that has been given to him.
  17. This is Our Last Year Here
    Natalie and Draco discuss his mission and the future ahead. Natalie find Harry's potions book .
  18. The End is near
    Cassidy and Draco get into it, Death Eaters invade the School, and Harry knows the truth.