
Chapter one

I stretched slowly as I awoke. I blink as my eyes adjusted to the light. Nearly midday. A yawn escaped my mouth as I sat up. The daily noise around me began to come into focus. The high pitched squeals and giggles and the soft cooing of the customers as the walked up and down the cages. I stared at the pair of wide innocent brown eyes as they looked through the wire mesh at me. I yawned and closed my eyes, why did humans insist on looking at me? I would never understand these tall gangly creatures.

“Mummy I want this one.” Oh the indignity of it all. I glower at the little human and hiss, she backed away and began to cry. Pathetic, humans always make their eyes leak when they want something. How undignified. “Mummy I don’t want a kitten any more.” Good, that ridiculous child should have the honour of a cats company. I congratulated my self as I turned my back on the pathetic creatures with a flick of my tail. I yawned again and curled up for some more sleep.

The rattle of food being tipped into my dish woke me up. one eye opened lazily so I could watch the funny smelling female human. She smiled and stroked me once.

“Who’s a good little boy?” She cooed in a ridiculous high pitched voice, I just watched her as she removed her smelly self from my refined presence.

I was about to return to sleep then the door opened. A tall male human walked in. He had a graceful, easy going purpose in his walk. This human was very like a cat. He didn’t have enough hair to be a cat but the fluff around his chin made him looked much more pleasant. He looked around the cages as we waited for the funny smelling female to notice him. His wide green eyes landed on me, he blinked. I tipped my head to one side and blinked back. I sat up to watch him. This human was not as ridiculous as the others who walked in here.

“Oh, I’m so sorry to keep you waiting dear.” The funny smelling female simpered as she turned to him. He glanced at her for a second before turning his eyes back to me. That right, he knew who was more important. I purred as he walked over to my cage. He bent down and opened the door. “Be careful dear, that one has a nasty temper.” I hissed at the female, how dare she suggest I was anything other than perfect. The male smelt nice as he lifted me out of the cage. He stroked my ears and held me in just the right way.

“I can’t believe that for a second. He’s a very handsome cat.” I purred louder, this human knew what he was talking about. “How much is he?” The human asked softly as he continued to stroke my fur. He smiled at me as I looked up at him, I blinked back. This human would be good to me; he knew how to treat a superior creature with respect. I stopped listening the they humans as the talked, humans did far too much talking, very unnecessary. I washed my paws as I waited patiently for my new human to stop talking to the funny smelling female.

I mewed as I was lifted out of my new humans’ arms by funning smelling female hands. She dumped me into a while wire carry case. I hissed at her as I tried to recover my crumpled dignity. I turned my back on the female and continued to wash myself.

I stared at my new human as he carried my out of the funny smelling females’ ridiculous place of residence. He looked down at me and blinked slowly. I purred softly and resigned myself to sleep as he walked. The motion was really quite relaxing.

“You really are a very handsome cat you know.” my human said with a smile. I looked up at him and mewed softly. Of cause I knew I was a handsome cat. “I hope you like Seth, he means a lot to me.” I blinked at him curiously. Who was Seth? Not another cat I hope. “Seth loves cats you know, he says that they are the most graceful creatures on the planet.” I purred. I had a feeling I would like Seth. “I wanted to get Seth a cat, but he told me that it wasn’t possible. He said ‘no one can own a cat, cats choose their friends with care.’ I suppose he right isn’t he?” My human asked as he looked at me. I purred in response. Perhaps Seth had been a cat in a previous life. My human placed me inside one of the metal boxes that humans travel in. I watched as he climbed in after me. Once the doors were shut he lifted the lid of my carry case. I blinked at him. “I hope you don’t get car sick.” I blinked at him, what a ridiculous thought.
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