
Chapter four

I couldn’t stand it anymore. Why weren’t those humans awake yet? I was hungry and I needed food. Now! I mewed as I jumped up onto their bed. My human groaned and rolled over and wrapped his arms round Seth’s waist.

“Five more minutes.” I blinked and walked over their lumpy bodies before sitting down on Seth’s chest and mewing. Seth scrunched his face up and yawned. His body stretched and squeaked a little. He really was very like a kitten. No wonder my human cared about him there was something adorable about the little human. But back to what was really important. I needed feeding!

“Umm.” Seth mumbled softly and opened his eyes slowly. “‘ello Cat.” He closed his eyes again and began to fall asleep again. Well that just wouldn’t do now would it. How dare he not do exactly what I want when I want it! I mewed and began to need the very soft fabric that was wrapped Seth’s body. My claw dug deep into the fabric. Seth let out a small cry of pain before sitting up quickly. I slid off his chest onto his still covered legs. “Cat!” He looked at me with wide hurt eyes. There was a groan from beside him as my human sat up.

“Seth love, what’s wrong?” Seth looked down at his chest and sighed. I could see and smell the small beads of blood on his chest where my claws had dug in as he lifted the fabric up to examine the cuts. “Seth!” My human looked angry as he ran his fingers along the length of the cuts. “Did that cat do this to you?” Seth smiled and pressed his mouth to my human’s cheek.

“Don’t worry about it love. He just hungry that’s all, it’s it cat?” He asked me softly. I could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke. Maybe I should be more gentle with these humans, they are only fragile little things after all. I mewed and rubbed my head against Seth’s stomach. He smiled and moved to get out of their little nest. He hissed and screwed his face up as he stood. I tipped my head and watched him walk tentatively out of the room. I turned back to my human and mewed.

“You shouldn’t scratch Seth you know.” He said. I mewed again. “Come on then you. Let’s go and help Seth with breakfast.” I jumped off the bed and followed my human out into the kitchen, the cold floor felt nice under my paws. I sat down and watched as my human wrapped his arms round Seth’s body. Seth let out a small cry before sinking back into my humans arms. “Sorry. Do those scratches hurt a lot?” Seth laughed softly.

“They sting, but they aren’t too bad, just be gentle with me love.” I lowered my head, I had never felt guilty about hurting a human before, but Seth was very kitten like, I should be more careful with him, after all he is only a baby human, I can tell, older humans smell very odd.

I was brought back out of my musings by the sound of a dish touching the floor. The smell of the lovely food touched my nose and made my taste buds tingle. Yum. I purred as I began to eat. Out of the corner of my eye I watched my two humans sit down at the table and begin to eat. Humans eat very strangely, why do they use funny objects to pick their food up with when they can make the whole process much easier and quicker and just pick the food up with their teeth. It was be interesting to observe these humans, so that I could get a better understanding of humans and so that I could impart this newly acquired knowledge to other cats. They talked quietly as they ate. My human would occasionally reach out and took Seth’s hand. They would smile at each other before pressing their mouths together.

“I love you.” My human whispered as he trailed his mouth along Seth’s cheek.

“Love you too. Now you need a shower, and I need to wash up.” Seth smiled as he bounced out of he seat only to stop quickly and run his hands over this new scratches. I stopped eating and looked up at him. I mewed. He smiled softly at me. “Don’t feel bad Cat, they’ll be better in no time.”
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Sorry I've taken so long to update. Homework and the like.