
Chapter five

I sat on a cold white seat and watched with my head cocked to one side as my human stood inside a glass box without any fur on, letting artificial rain fall all over him. I don’t think I would ever understand humans. He sighed happily as the rain fell over his skin, the rain was warm, I could tell, the steam rising out of the top of the glass box was proof of the rain’s heat.

“Room for one more?” Seth asked as he stepped into the room. He shed his fur and slid the glass box open before stepping inside and closing the box back up again. My human turned and pulled Seth close. Their mouths pressed together and their paws roamed over the other’s body. Seth turned so he was facing me. His eyes were closed and his face looked so relaxed as my human nuzzled his neck. There were those pheromones again. If two male humans could have kittens they would have a whole litter by now. I yawned and laid down. My eyes closed as I lowered my head gracefully onto my front paws, my tail curled round me and covered my nose.

My ears pricked as the glass box opened and the two humans stepped out. I hissed and sat bolt upright as a large number of very wet droplets landed on my perfectly groomed fur. Oh the indignity of it!

“Sorry Cat.” Seth whispered as he wrapped a large piece of fabric round his waist. My human smiled softly as he did the same. They stood together and rubbed themselves down drying the remaining water of their furless skin. I tipped my head to one side. It was odd really, humans are completely balled except for a small amount of fur between their back legs and some under each of their front legs, and my human has a little bit of think fur on his chest. These humans were quite well endowed, that is assuming that they keep their genitals in the same place cat do. Otherwise they have a rather small extra leg. I mewed and jumped off the shiny seat and made my way into the feeding room. I was peckish and I fancied some of that nice food that Seth had given me earlier.

Finally the two humans followed me, Seth was smiling and was flushed again. My human was walking behind him his eyes full of adoration. I felt my fur fluff up a bit. I was so proud of my humans they were very sweet together, even if they forgot about me from time to time. I mewed and Seth jumped to attention. He place a dish of lovely food down in front of me, it wasn’t quite the same as earlier but it was just as nice.

“Well Cat, do you think you’ll be alright on you own for a while? Seth and I are going out to the shops to buy you some things.” Well if they were going out to get my things I supposed I could forgive them for leaving me behind all alone. I could explore without running into all those human pheromones. I mewed reassuringly and rubbed against my humans leg.

“Come on, love. Cat will be just fine.” Seth smiled and stroked my ears gently, that felt very nice, it sent pleasant shivers through my body. The two humans disappeared into their sleeping room to put on their changeable fur. Humans are really quite cleaver, who would have thought, changeable fur. As they left I purred happily to myself. Time to explore. Get ready excitement, Cat his hunting you.
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Well hasn't it been a while. :) Forgive me?

Comment please.

The next chapter should be quite funny.