You'll Always Find Me


The world around me felt weak, the light wasn't strong enough for me to see, the sound was muffled and it was hard to breath... I was under water. I tried to scream but nothing came out, the water became strong, as if it was trying to keep my quiet, keep me away from safety. I flung my arms out wide, stretching to reach something, someone to grab. There was nothing. It felt like it was miles and miles of water, stretching forever. I felt my head become slightly dizzy, I was losing oxygen and would soon... drown. That's when I felt someone grab my shoulder, the feeling was strange, they were just as weak as I but yet they felt... Strong.
The pulled my head above the water where I couldn't take in enough oxygen fast enough,

"Shilo, Shilo you have to stop, calm down, please!" A strained voice filled my head, bouncing around my skull and shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Andy facing me. His face was just as panic stricken as I felt, he had held of my arm but we were being pushed by the currant.

We'd jumped into a river but clearly it was a bad idea. My head began to swim and I found myself becoming limp,

"Shilo, you have to stay awake!" His voice cracked under the strain... I tried to open my eyes, I really did, I tried to swim and make it to the bank but... Well I didn't.

A soft sobbing came from out of no where... I barely heard it at first but it became louder and louder. I opened one eye to see a white room, a window and a TV in the corner. My head was pounding so hard that I had to shut my eyes. Not that it helped, my head carried on like a hammer. I tried moving my arms and legs. At first nothing, but then I could move my toes and fingers and slowly my arms. My legs wouldn't budge and I was too weak to try any more.

My throat was too dry for my to make any form of human words so I groaned. Softly and then a loud and painful groan.

"Shilo?" Someone, the person who had been sobbing, shrieked my name, the came over and grabbed my hand, "Shilo, can you hear me?" I groaned again,

"Baby it's your mom, you were in an accident... I have to go get the nurse" I heard her scurrying out the room, then I heard someone else. It was unmistakably Andy's voice,

"Shilo, I'm so sorry, it was my idea to jump in that river... Please forgive me it was stupid! I never meant for either of us to get hurt like this!" He brushed his hand against my cheek and I heard him let out a sob of his own. He left the room too and I was in silence. And from then I don't know what happened, I lay there, not seeing or hearing anyone for what could have been days.

Then finally... someone woke me.