Status: Done.

North Star: A Diary

How it feels

"Fuck you." she growls at him.

He ignores her tantrum and continues to fidget with his phone. She rolls her eyes and lets a sigh slip from her lips. He infuriates her like no one else can, her heart fills with sadness, why must he ignore her? She turns away from him and her eyes start to fill with tears. Her mind starts to wander, she pushes the darker thoughts to the side. A few minutes pass and his hand is on her leg, poking her.

She pulls away, sucking her teeth. He keeps poking her clearly ignoring her angry demeanor. She feels her defense melting, she smiles despite herself.

"Stop." She attempts to sound angry.

He flashes a smile at her and she can't seem to help but smile back and finds herself buried in his arms. She listens to his heartbeat, secretly wishing she could stay mad at him. There is something about him that keeps her from being mad. A pull, a tug at her chest, she feels the need to always be by his side. He kisses her hair and she shivers. She isn't cold, just amazed that the littlest thing his does seems fill her heart with love. She wants to pull away tell him to leave and not come back. So afraid it hurts, that's why she lets herself get angry, that's why she looks for reasons not to be herself. She looks into his eyes and felt the familiar stab in her chest.

Eyes are windows to the soul, somehow he found a way to close the window. She lives for the brief glimpses of the warmth, behind the cold closed off look. She shivers again, he pulls her closer. They pull away and look at each. They kiss all the previous thougths melt into the passion of the kiss. She gets butterflies and feels her heart overflow with joy. Everything takes time, and he is worth the investment. But she can't help but wonder, how long will it take?
♠ ♠ ♠
random thought-ness