Status: Done.

North Star: A Diary

Watching you in your Glory

I sit and watch you record your magic, I mean music but really its magic because you spin spells with your words and they have me locked in position. The words of your diary spilling into the memory of your computer but it can't comprehend the beauty that it holds. The passion trickles off your skin and contaminates my aura with your essence. Your essence leaks down my aura and pours from my fingers into a pen. You are the ink on my paper, the inspiration you feed me is the fuel to the fire that gives me life.

I am watching you in this moment and I remember that this is why I love you so much. Your words always enter my soul and cause my brain to rush and try to keep up with your creativity. I could drown in this moment in your flow and I would die happy because you I am with you, all of you. The dark place in your mind illuminated by the record button and your words. I am in a trance, captives by the beauty of my north star.

I live by his light, I allow him to be my guide me because I know he won't steer me wrong. I couldn't imagine my life without him and if I am fully honest I know I will never have too.
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12/20/20 ♥ TWO months Yay ^_^