Status: Done.

North Star: A Diary

Love Note

Dear Mister Pierre,
I have heard rumors of you. I heard rumors of your charm, of your humor, of your smile. Yet, when face with all of it, I was not ready for how amazing you truly are. I was unprepared for the disarming smile you have. I couldn't help but smile back, unaware that I was even smiling. Then I couldn't stop. My face seem to be stuck in that position. Then we kissed, and that kiss should have been my first kiss. It was sweet, soft and it filled me with emotions I have never felt before. I was smiling again. I suddenly knew more then before, you are the only exception. I realized trusting you is as easy as breathing. Kissing you felt like something I was born to do, as cliche as that may sound. Our hands seems to fit, I was instantly fascinated by the contrast of our skin tones. Amazed by how the words were always clear around you, never muddled, never confused. I was baffled at how inspired you made me. I was amazed how much easier smiling became.
Mister Pierre do you see? I some how fell for you. Head over heels, I seem to have no desire to leave this predicament either. I even dare to say I am happy to be here. Happy to be entangled in you arms and laughing at your corny jokes. The sad part is I truly find funny in their stupidity. I am here, smiling as I look at pictures of us and wondering what it will be like to look at these when we are old. This was so unexpected. You were so unexpected and yet it feels so right. As if it was you I was waiting on. I don't understand Mister Pierre, I couldn't even remember you name when we first met. You never crossed my mind, though a part of me, I must admit, was strangely drawn to you. Yet I couldn't fathom why until I heard you speak poetry. It was in that moment I knew I would never forget your name again.
Oh Mister Pierre, it seems you had bewitched me with you lyrical flow. I wanted nothing more then to be "real cool" with you. I couldn't believe your talent had flown under my radar for so long. I started to wish I had connected with you right from the start, but of course everything in life has its purpose. You entered my life when your were supposed to and I couldn't be happier to have you. To be the one you call yours. To be the one you get made fun of for. The one who makes you smile at random moments when I cross your mind. To be the one who you can see forever with. I feel blessed every moment I am with you. Every second with you feels like a hand wrapped gift from God. I don't question why, because I don't care, I am just happy to have you. I can never thank God enough for you, it seems I will have to actually start serving him properly again so he truly gets my gratitude.
Mister Pierre, somehow I ended up a fan of cheesy love songs. I somehow became the girl who couldn't help but write about her boyfriend. I have never felt the need to express so much about one person so much. Yet I still feel like I never say enough. Like all the words in the world are inadequate at explaining what I feel for you. I still search for the perfect song to describe how I feel for you but not one fits. They only come close but never fit. You have redefined the word poetry for me, I never really knew one person could be living poetry. That is what it seems you are Mister Pierre. You are living, breathing poetry; beauty incarnate. You are one of a kind, there is no other like you. Brilliant, kind, a craftsman and other words that can describe you only slightly. Words in fail in describing you magnificence.
So Mister Pierre I write to inform you that I know the rumors, and I am sure I am not the only one who heard them. I write to let you know that every great thing you have heard about you, is true. I know this for a fact because having spent time with you I can see that you are great. I can also feel that you are great, taste that you are great, breath that you are great. There is one rumor that I heard is going around a lot lately and I wish to address this one briefly. Since I feel I have already taken up much of your time, I have heard that you are in love. Do not fret Mister Pierre I know for a fact that she loves you too.
Always yours,
Madam Rivera
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Still applies now ♥ Probably more then when I wrote it on Jan 18th