Status: Done.

North Star: A Diary

Talking to you ♥

Today you held me close as we talked and I was so happy. I love talking to you. See I have had my fair share of boyfriends, and yes I have enjoyed conversation with them but none like you. I can feel our bond as we talk. I can feel myself slip into a place of calm happiness, even if what you are saying isn't something I agree with. I feel whatever guard I have up, though I doubt there is any, slip into nothingness and I relax into you.

I have never laughed so much about such foolish things, at least not with a boyfriend. Today, today was the first time I thought, you are my best friend. I feel at complete ease with you. Its strange, crazy, beautiful, that I went from not knowing your name to this, completely surrendering myself to someone. I know that very soon I will be more comfortable with you then I have been with anyone in my life.

You inspire me to be better. Cheesy, yes. Cliche, definitively. The truth, hell yes. I am ready, ready to spend forever with you. Ready for my life to be always intertwined with yours. Will it be easy? No but it will be worth it. This was all reconfirmed and realized while laying in your arms as you spoke to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eight days ♥ till nine months