Status: Done.

North Star: A Diary

Moonlit Beach ♥

I slipped off my shoes and let my toes seep into the cool sand. I was aware of your presence near me. The heat that your body emits, the sound of your breathing, the scent that fills my nose. The clouds dance across the full moon, one minute showing it and the next hiding it from sight. My thought whirling around how perfect this all seems, like a moment plucked out of one of dreams. I look over at you in hopes you will somehow prove its real, then you kiss me. Nope, it isn't real, to amazing.

Then I feel a string on my ankle, I look down and I have a mosquito bite. Nature did what you couldn't, it proved that this moment was real. No one gets bitten by pesky mosquitoes in their dreams, let alone five times. I looked up and the moon and sighed, even the stupid bites couldn't ruin this for me. Not while I am here, on the beach , with you, underneath the perfect moon.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last night ♥