Status: Done.

North Star: A Diary

♥ Sunday Evening ♥

I woke up, my eyes scrunched against the sunlight and I stifled a yawn, when I remembered that I was going to see you today, my face lite up. I bounced up and ran to my computer ready to gush to my friends about how awesome today will be. My mom shooed me away and told me to get ready for my appointment so I sighed on to Facebook on my cell so I could keep talking to my Emma Bear. I grabbed a random skirt and a shirt, I signed because the shirt was tight around my chest but I didn't feel like changing. I grabbed shoes and then headed out, I hadn't heard from you but that didn't matter to me, I was determined to see you. I sat through a thirty minute appointment of pretty much yelling, so in order to clear my head I decided to walk home. It was hot and I had no water. It was a bad idea, I got home over heated and I was locked out. Which made me upset, so I focused on seeing you and wrote to Emma to comfort me.

When I got inside, I scurried to get ready. I let everyone know I was leaving at 3:30 and I made sure I did. During the hour plus journey to you I played catch up with Raaha and then fell into a comfortable silence on the bus. I was so eager to see you I had butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't stop smiling, I wanted to kiss you so much that it was the only thought on my mind. So when I saw you I did just that, I kissed you, I kissed you so that you can feel how much I missed you. When you and Raaha went into Dunkin donuts, I sat in the car with Jean, singing and head banging.

Next thing you know, I am accidently mooning you, then cracking jokes with the four of us in the car. I was already so very happy, it was making me glow. When we got to the beach and searched from spot hand in hand I was at peace. I laid down after we set up and just listed to the beach sounds, the sea gulls, the water, the laughter, I was in my heaven. Then you snapped a photo of me and I remembered you where here. Now my heaven was perfect, you pull me close and we stare into each other eyes. We talked, I can't remember what it was about just that I love it.

The sun started to set and while wrapped in towels and each other arms to protect against the wind. I sat up at watch it after begging to say things in French to me and the translate it. When I laid back down you told me my eyes were more beautiful then the sun set, in french XD. My heart was pounding, this day had a meh start but turned into the perfect Sunday evening.

Even as I write this I know it doesn't do last night justice. It was a magic that words can't express and pictures can't capture. All I know is that I fell in love with you all over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
two days to nine months ♥