Status: Updated when possible.

Vampire Money

This is Just Chapter One.

The summer heat beat down on the car. A brown haired woman and her two fighting sons were stuck in the stuffy car. The boys were arguing about something that the mother didn't care for. It was probably a pencil or something. As if those boys didn't have enough of them back there. Honestly, they were a bit of a nightmare during the summer. Everyone was irritable and the boys fighting was getting on their mother's last nerve. She'd had a stressful day at work and the boys were not helping.

"The pair of you, shut up until we get home." She groaned, the oldest boy pointed to the younger boy.

"He started it."

"Did not."

"Did too!"


"Jack, Brandon, shut up!" The mother screached and the pair went silent. Brandon, the older brother, crossed his arms over his thirteen year old chest. He pushed a tiny bit of his dark brown hair out of his hazel eyes and stared out of the window. Jack, the twelve year old, also stared out of the window. He had his forehead pressed against the glass, his glasses tapping on the window.

"Sorry Mom." Jack mumbled and their mother sighed softly before shaking her head. She looked at the light brown haired boy in the mirror.

"Don't worry about it." She smiled and both boys looked at either other, wearing the same grin.

"I bag the X-Box!" Brandon yelled, running into the living room and sitting on the floor in front of the TV. Jack followed.

"No fair! You got it yesterday!" Jack yelled at Brandon. Their mother gave an amused sigh.

"Brandon, let Jack pay on it for an hour, then you can play on it." She called to the boys. Brandon's groan was heard and Jack cheered before playing the X-Box. Their mother picked up a letter from the doormat, which both boys had stepped over while walking inside. She dumped the shopping into the kitched before opening the letter. It was written in messy handwriting and read 'Click clat, watch your back'. She frowned before walking into the living room and sitting on the sofa, the letter forgotten now.

The pair entered the house at midnight. The female entered first and went for the mother. The male entered second, his brown eyes searching the place for anything to tell him that someone was there. There was no one. He moved swiftly into the eldest boy's room and slit his throat harshly. He then moved into the younger boy's room and did the same thing. Blood spilt from the boy's neck, but the male was out of the room by the time this began happening.

The female, however, and stabbed the women twenty two times while the male killed the boys. She turned when he crept into the room.

"Finished?" He asked, his voice hushed but his accent obviously native to the state. The female nodded.

"Finished." Her accent was more of a Southern accent, though she'd been born in New Jersey. She had moved South with her family early on in life and now spoke with that accent. The native male smiled under his mask.

"We did it, Sugar."

"We sure did."