Moving is ***ed up

Telling Your Best Friend That You Just ***ed Her Cousin

I went upstairs to my room and sat on the edge of my bed. I really don't know how to tell Rose. I hear the song I Love The Way You Lie. That's Rose's ring tone. I pick up my phone. "Hello?" My voice was a bit shaky. "Why's your voice like that? Addy, What the fuck did you do? Did you hurt Adam? I swear if you do-" She sounded pissed. I cut her off. "No. No. No. I didn't hurt him. If anything i made him better. Ha. Um.. I don't know how to tell you this Rose." i paused lost in thought. "Just fucking tell me already!" She yelled. Damn. Shes pissed. Maybe this could wait. No. No. This had to be said. "Rose. Adam and I kinda sorta maybe had sex." My voice was full of fear. I heard laughing from the other end of the phone. Shes laughing? No. That's Nat laughing. I wish i could see Rose's face right now. Then again shed probably kill me if i were within reach right now. "Rose?" I asked in a soft voice. "Yeah. I'm okay." She said in between chuckles. Okay so maybe she was laughing. "So you're not pissed at me?" I asked. "Hell no. At least hes fucking you and not some skank." I laughed at that. Its true I've seen some pretty nasty girls in Cali. You can find nasty girls anywhere though."Yeah." I smiled thinking back at the memory. "Was he good? Never mind. That's my cousin. I don't want to know!" She started laughing then i started laughing. Her laugh is contagious. I heard a knock on my window. Adam? Please be Adam and not Ryan. Please please please. I went over to my window and looked down. It was Adam and all his beauty. I couldn't help but smile. "Well don't lock your window. God." He said after climbing in. "Sorry." He mumbled an okay. I had almost forgotten about the phone in my hand. "Rose? Are you still there?" I asked. Adam's face was hilarious it was like it was saying "Oh fuck! I just climbed through your window and now my cousin knows." It was hard not to laugh but not impossible. Adam went to sit on my bed. "Yeah I'm still here. Is Adam there?" Wow. She has good hearing. "Yeah he is." I smiled. "Well I'm going to let you go. Have fun. Be safe." The phone clicked off. I sighed. If she hadn't got off the phone i think i would've had to myself. As soon as i closed my phone Adam was at my side. He took the phone from me and tossed it in the chair on the other side of the room. He pulled me over to the bed. "We cant do this right now. My mom' s here." I said as he kissed down my neck. He groaned but stopped. "There's a party tonight. Do you want to go?" He sounded like he just wanted to get me to his house. I thought about it for a while. Drinking probably. Smoking definitely. Yeah. I want to go out. I didn't give him an answer i simply got up and got dressed. After finishing my makeup and hair i sat on my bed. "Is this okay? Ive never been to a California party." I said. He nodded. "You look sexy Babe." I smiled. "Thanks. You look good too." I mumbled. I wasn't used to people complimenting me and i sure as hell wasn't used to complimenting people. I was usually a total bitch. Adam was changing me and i didn't know if it was good or bad yet. "Ready to go?" Yeah. Tonight would be fun, I thought.
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****Im not saying that all California girls are skanks!! Just saying!****