‹ Prequel: Opposites Attract
Status: Alive as Ever

Hellos Are Harder Than Goodbyes

Chapter 2

I downed the shots as they were handed to me. I was at Briana`s winter break party at her uncles house. He was always gone so we just broke out the liquor and partied.

My mind was slightly hazy and it the haziness increased drink by drink. I was drinking her away. Luna. She had ignored me completely through school and when winter break began I had wondered over to her home just to see it for sell.

She was gone. Who knows where she was. All I know if that I missed her. I missed her face. Her body. Her body naked. Her body in the back of my car. Her lips. Her lips moaning my name.

Each drink made her hazier. Not gone. Just dull. How could she just leave? I loved her. How could she leave me?

I felt Briana nibble on my neck and the drinks took over. I kissed her. We stumbled to a room. I ripped our clothes off. I shoved into her. I felt no tightness or anything. Unlike Luna.


I went harder and squeezed my eyes shut. I hated Briana. I loved Luna.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes. Zeke. I know some of you all are growing to hate him but dont give up just yet.