‹ Prequel: Opposites Attract
Status: Alive as Ever

Hellos Are Harder Than Goodbyes

Chapter 8

When the school finally opened I rushed in and headed to look for the office wanting to get to my locker before the crowds started.

I walked down the hall until I saw a door with a sign that said "Office" next to it. Hm, I guess this is the office.

When I walked in there was a middle aged woman that looked nice sitting at the desk. I walked over and she looked at me.

"I'm new, my names Luna", I said softly and she looked me over before nodding and walking over to a file cabinet and grabbing a folder.

"In there is your schedule, some paper work for your parents to sign and a map." I nodded before mumbling a thank you and heading out of the office.

As I was leaving I saw a teacher dragging a boy that had a bleeding nose into the office, followed by another teacher who was grabbing another boy, the boy from outside.

He looked at me for a quick second and grinned making the cut on his lip bleed more. I rolled my eyes and headed to, according to my schedule, my locker was.

Just as I got to my locker the hall started to fill. I stayed quiet as I opened my locker and started unloading all the stuff Kayla got me into it.

I put my backpack on the hook inside the locker and grabbed a couple notebooks and my pencil pouch before seeing that I had math next and I groaned quietly banging my head on the locker and I got a few amused glances.

I sighed and headed to class hoping I wasn't late. The halls were full and bustling so I kept my attention on not bumping into anyone.

When I finally reached the class there wasn't a lot of people in there, but they were all in the front so I shuffled to the very back of the class and looked down at my notebook then at the board.

There was notes and diagrams on every single inch of the board so I hurried to open my notebook out and start to scribble the notes into my notebook.

I stared intently at the board as my hand copied what I saw. The notes were fairly basic trigonometry and I had already covered the subject so I had no worry.

I finished the notes just as the bell rang and I leaned my head down on the desk and thought.

I missed my mom so bad but I knew it was best if she got the help she needed. I loved my mom to death and when she got out we were going to be a happy family.

I heard the teacher ask,in what I realized was a joking voice, if anyone was done with the notes. I raised my hand and he looked at me surprised.

"And you are...?" He asked and I realized I hadn't introduced myself to the teacher. I blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm new, my names Luna", I said loudly making sure he heard me.

He nodded and looked at me before looking down at his desk. "Luna can you please take these papers down to the safe room?" He asked and I shrugged.

I walked over to his desk and I saw a few people starting at me. I looked down.

"Room 213, right down the hall", he said in a gentle voice and I nodded before walking out of the room glad to escape peoples curious gazes. I looked at my feet as I walked to the safe room wondering who I was going to give this to.

When I reached the door I knocked on it softly before opening it to see both of the boys that were being pulled into the office that morning.

Zac grinned at me and licked his lips and I rolled my eyes sauntering over to the teachers desk and handing him the papers.

I then turned around and hurried out of the room. Zac just got under my skin, I'm not sure why but he really did.

The rest of math class was boring and meaningless as we just went over the notes.

I had Gym next and I hurried down the stairs and into the gym which was a huge room with bleachers on either side and a lot of exercise equipment on the side along with mats.

I walked up to the teacher and she smiled at me. "You must be Luna, Ive got your uniform right here, just bring me the money tomorrow", she said in a nice voice and I nodded grabbing the tee-shirt and knee high shorts and heading to the changing rooms.

No one was here yet so I quickly changed and put my normal clothes in a cubby that had my name next to it before walking in the gym and sitting in the farthest corner of the bleachers putting my head down on my knees.

Just as the bell rang a huge group of people ran into the gym and to the changing rooms. Looks like I'm alone.

As people started sitting on the lower seats of the bleachers no one noticed me and the teacher yelled for everyone to quiet down. She looked at me and waved me over in front of everybody and I trudged over to be next to her, everyone starring at me.

"This is Luna, class", she said in a strong voice and everyone greeted me at the same time.

She told me to take a seat and I quickly returned to the corner pretending I didn't notice people starring at me.

I didn't feel like making friends I wouldn't be able to keep so I just planned to be a loner just like at my old school

I especially didn't want to find another Zeke.
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