Status: complete

100 Missed Calls


How could he possibly think that of her? How dare he question her faithfulness, especially after two years of hell and drama? He was the only reason that she was alive right at this moment and he was willing to let yet another ugly rumor come between them?

Michaela stared out her window and watched as the large rain drops assaulted her window. She couldn’t help but replay her boyfriend’s words over and over in her head.

”Hooking up with my best friend behind my back… that’s the last thing I expected from you but I guess everyone was right. You’re just a cold hearted bitch. How could I have been so wrong?”

She sniffled but didn’t wipe away the tears streaming down her face. She’d gotten tired of wiping away at her tears thirty minutes ago but they still fell. Once more she looked at her phone clenched tightly in her hands. She’d called him literally one hundred times and he didn’t pick up, not even once.

All the rage and anger Michaela had been trying to suppress bubbled and boiled to the surface. She reached to her side to pick up her bedside lamp and flung it across her room, causing it to shatter on the wall. She shrieked as she upturned her night table and elbowed a hole in one of the walls. With heaving breaths Michaela shoved her feet into her rain boots and grabbed the closest jacket she could find before she stormed out of her room and out of her house.

Her stupid aunt stepped between Michaela and the front door. “Just where do you think you’re going?”

Michaela shoved her aunt out of the way. “Mind your own fucking business.”

Kelly tried to grab her niece’s arm. “Don’t you talk to me that way. If you plan on going out in this weather over some little boy then you’re crazy!”

Michaela smirked and put her hand on the doorknob. “Anger is a short madness... And if you try and stop me, I’ll be far more than angry.”

The door slammed behind her and Michaela silently cursed that she hadn’t picked up a jacket with a hood on it. From inside the rain hadn’t looked that bad but being amidst it, she could tell the rain drops were the size of tiny kittens and it was pouring by the ton. It would be faster to drive but Michaela didn’t trust herself enough to drive in this rain and in such emotional turmoil.

So she walked, more like ran, all the way to the other side of her neighborhood where she hoped to find him waiting for her. By the time she got there, the rain had cooled her anger down to the bone. She was shivering but determined to make Thomas listen.

She noticed there were no cars in the driveway; his parents must but out of town. She went up to the front door which was, thankfully, under a small awning and allowed her to get out of the rain.

Banging fiercely, Michaela yelled, “Thomas! Please! Open the fucking door!”

Nothing. Michaela stepped back into the rain and looked up at the window she knew was his. She saw his silhouette standing perfectly still, watching her.

A second later her phone buzzed in her pocket. Somehow it wasn’t completely wet and she was able to read the message that Thomas had just sent her: Please Kay… I need to think about some things.

She quickly punched in a reply and she watched as Thomas’ face lit up from the light of the phone when he read the message: I love you, don’t ever fucking question that.

The lights went out in Thomas’ room and Michaela could no longer see him. She sank down to her knees in the middle of his lawn and bawled like a child. She’d lost him and that’s all there was to it. There were no amends to be made, no apologies to be heard, no truth to be delivered.

Michaela heard what could have been a door opening and she figured Thomas had finally come out to give her stuff back or something other completely heart-wrenching break up action. That was until she felt his warm arms around her cold, wet body.

He picked her up under her knees and behind her back. “You’ll catch a cold if you stay out here any longer.”

Michaela sniffled and buried her face into the crook of his neck. She mumbled something incoherently but Thomas knew what she was trying to say.

“I know Kay… I fucking love you too.”