Melting The Ice


"Hey, Luke, do you know where my bear hat is," I asked, stepping onto the bathroom. Luke was in the shower, singing a NeverShoutNever song. He liked to pretend that he was hardcore but he liked soft bands too.

He didn't hear me and continued to sing. I knew he'd kill me if he realized that I was in here. He never liked it when people saw his nicer side. I walked out of the bathroom and came back in as loud as I could. He stopped singing and poked his head around the curtain.

"What do you want, " he asked. His black hair was covered in soap suds and water was running down his face. He stared at me through green eyes.

"Where's my bear hat," I asked again.

"Uh...I think it's on the top dressed," he said.

"Thank's," I muttered and went back to my room.

Our room was...interesting. That much I could say. The floor was hardwood with a British rug on it. The ceiling was a black tinted sunroof. The wall was white, with a red painted skull. On the rug was a coffee table , and across from the coffee table was desk with a large T.V. on it. Two couches were pushed against the wall where Luke slept. Next to the couch was a curtain that led to a semi room. My bed was in there. I offered it to Luke many times but he refused to sleep there.

Luke and I didn't need all of this stuff, but it was a must when your parents were rock stars that never stayed home for more than an hour. I'd rather trade it all in for my parents back. Luke says he doesn't give a fuck either way. I really wish he'd care more.

Just like Luke told me, my bear hat was on the dresser. I grabbed it and jogged down the stairs. Today was Sunday and mom and dad were going to come home for the weekend. I couldn't wait. They were going to get here soon. They promised they'd take us to the amusement park today.

Luke came into the kitchen just as the last slice of toast popped out of the toaster. I spread butter on two pieces and slid the plate over to him. He examined the toast and took a bite out of it.

"Not bad,' he said, shrugging.

I smiled and sat down next to him. "So, can't wait until mom and dad comes home..."

Luke shrugged his shoulders again. "I'm not going to be here."

Hearing that broke my heart. He was already pulling away from us. Soon, I won't see him anymore. Sure, we didn't have a lot in common but he was still my twin. I wanted to be with him sometimes.

"They aren't going to show up, Logan," he told me.

I shook my head. "They will..."

The phone rang. Since Luke was closer to it so he picked it up. I waited patiently while he talked to the person on the other end. When he was finished, he hung up and turned to me.

When he shook his head I nearly cried. They weren't coming.

"Bye, Logan," Luke said and walk out of the door.

They weren't coming...again.
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Luke's room: XxX
Logan's room: XxX