Melting The Ice


It happened again today. Not a big surprises. They've been busy the past four months with their tour. They can't just drop everything and come home. I tried to tell that to Logan many times but he just wouldn't listen.

I've already experienced more than enough disappointment. It would have broke a normal kid, but Logan wasn't normal. He was overly nice. I'm tempted to scream at him but I couldn't. He'd never listen to me anyways.

I parked into Ink's tattoo shop and grabbed my jacket. The sidewalk was slippery with ice so I walked slowly. I reached for the door handle but then it swung open and hit my face. I stumbled back and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay," the person who hit me asked. I looked up and saw that it was Alec.

Alec was the owner's boyfriend. He was a really nice boy and had started coming around. He sometimes helped me with my customers but, when I tried to pay him, he refused. He sort of reminded me of Logan. The only difference is that he knew when to give up hope.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said and took Alec's extended hand. "Is Percy in?"

Alec nodded and opened the door for me in apology. "He's pretty busy so you'll have to take some people. I'm going out for lunch and to check on the twins and Brae. I'll be back soon."

"See you later, Alec," I called as he left.

He was right. There were a lot of people. I pointed to one girl and motioned for her to follow. She stood up and I led her into the back room.

"Are you eighteen," I asked her.

She hesitated a few seconds. "Yes."

Oh, this was going to be a long day.


"Today was busy," Percy said, plopping down next to me on the waiting couch. We had had about ten customers each and none of them wanted something simple.

"At least things are picking up," Alec said, planting himself on Percy's lap. "I think it's Luke thats bringing in the money."

Percy pushed his, as if to make him fall, but caught him at the last moment. "Thanks for believing in me,Alec," he said sarcastically.

I laughed and sat back. "Well, at least things are getting better. I thought that we had run out of people to tattoo but it seems like your reputation is growing."

Percy nodded. "Seems like it."

Marie, Percy's desk girl, came over and handed me a cup of coffee. It was warm in my hands. I grinned and said a thank you.

"It's for the road," she said. "It's getting cold outside. Be careful when driving."

I stood and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for worrying but I'll be fine," I promised.

"Shouldn't today be your day off," Alec asked.

"Parent's never showed," I answered and walked out of the door.

Marie was right. It was cold as fuck. I ran from the sidewalk to the car.

I didn't even make it half way. I slipped and fell. Again.

Well, the first time was cause of Alec, but still...I was one clumsy mother fucker. My coffee spilled on the ground next to me as well. Damn...

"Hey, are you hurt?"

I thought it was Alec and growled as I slowly sat up. My back hurt like hell. "You fucking jinxed me!"

"Dude, what the fuck did I do?"

Wait...that wasn't Alec's voice. I turned my head to the side and saw someone with black hair and a septum. This was not Alec.

"Thought it was someone else," I said, not bothering to apologize. There really wasn't any reason to. I made a mistake and it wasn't my fault.

The boy shook his head and offered a hand. "Need some help?"

"Sure," I muttered and took his hand. He lifted me up to mt feet and didn't let go until I was steady.

"Tattoo shop is closed," I told him. He , of course, was here for a tattoo, unless he came form Caroling Strip Club. That was doubtful. He didn't seem to be like that.

"Is it ? Really," he asked. I nodded. "Fuck. Do you know what time it opens tomorrow."

"At ten," I told him. "I'll be the only one in that morning so just knock and I'll let you in."

"You work here? Thats epic."

"Thanks, I guess. Well, see you tomorrow."

I didn't wait for him to answer. I walked over to my car and got in. My back still hurt.

I had no luck at all.
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i'm going to try to do this as best as I can.

seriously jessie?