Melting The Ice


So they really weren't coming. Why wasn't I angry? They had done this a few times before. It
was nothing new. Yet, at the same time, I did't really care. They had to have some reason for not being here. Maybe their bus broke down or their manager wouldn't let them go, There had to be a reason. Otherwise they would have came. Nathannik and Silvyanne Reed were famous. So of course they’ll miss a few events. There’s nothing to it.

I flopped down on the couch, aka Luke’s bed, and buried my head in the pillow. It was warm, as if Luke had just got up but was sleeping there all day. He was always so warm and smelled like pencil wood and parchment. It was such a nice smell. Better than when he was painting. That was too strong.He denies it though. Anytime someone gives him a compliment he brushes them off as saying anything to get him in bed. I don’t disagree but they aren’t lied. He really does smell

“Hey, get off my bed you lazy slob,”Luke said, throwing a cushion at me. He had just gotten
home from work and was, obviously, tired. His hair was a mess, his pants were wet, and his
arms were black and blue. The last thing made me sit up. Black and blue arms?

“How’d you get hurt,” I asked, walking over to him. I tried to grab his hands but he just pulled
them out of my reach. “Are you OK?”

“Yeah, I just slipped on some ice,” he explained. “Some kid helped me up after I yelled at him for giving me bad luck. I thought he was Alec.”

I laughed. He was always getting into these funny situations. Like today. Only Luke would yell at some kid that he doesn’t even know. And get away with it. Any normal person would have slapped him in the face for screaming at them when they were only trying to help. However, Luke was immune to that rule. He was a bit of a klutz and that made him adorable enough to be forgiven.

Luke pushed past me and laid down on the couch. He sighed and pressed his cheek against the cool leather. He took off his shirt and tossed it at me. “Put that away, will you?”

“Now who’s the lazy one," I muttered and left the room. Next to the bathroom was a laundry bin. I tosed his shirt in there and reteated into the kitchen for a late night snack.

The only kind of junk food we had was Pepsi because Luke was in love with it. I didn't have a passion for junk food and bought healthy snack. Luke's soda was the only exception. he would die without it,

I'm not joking.

I settled for a bag of carrots and ranch, and sat down on the kitchen table. I dipped a carrot into the ranch and popped it into my mouth. Luke and I used to eat pretzels with ranch. it tasted really really good! I just didn't have any at the moment. Such a shame.

The phone rang, a shrill cry though the silence. I rushed to pick it up, not wanting to wake Luke up if he was a sleep. He always worked most of the day. He really needed a break.


"Logan Darling, how are you," mother asked from the the other other side of the line.

"I'm fine, mom" I told her.

"Daddy and I are both so sad we can't be there," she told me. Her disappointment was clear in her voice. She and Dad really did want to get away.

I shrugged even though she couldn't see me. "It's alright. I know you have a good reason."

She hesitated before answering. "We do. But, do not worry.I have booked a two week stay for the both of you at Reed's Ski Resort."

The Ski Resort? I haven't been there since I was six. That was about eleven years ago. I had a bunch of happy memories there. Mostly because mom and dad were there all the time. Sure, they came around from time to time, but it just isn't the same.

"Why would you book it? You own the place."

She laughed into the phone. "You're right, Darling. But you'll be sharing the large cabin. I am sorry, sweetie, but we had no where else to put you."

"It's fine. We've stayed in the large cabin before . It's big enough for a few families. Luke and I will be fine."

"Thats great, honey. Drive over tomorrow morning and Mina will help with an complications."

"Okay. Bye mom."

"Night, Sweetie. Mom and Dad love you!"

I hung up and went back up to our room after washing my dish. Luke was on his 'bed', watching T.V. I sat down besides him.

"Was that them," he asked, not looking away from the T.V.

I nodded. "The got us a room in the Ski Resort. Said it was an apology."

Luke eyed me with suspicion. "Are you excited?"

I grinned, not being able to hold it in any longer. "Of course! Aren't you? It will be so much fun! And they might even come down for Christmas!"

"Is that what they told you?"

" But we are going to be together that day. So if we are staying there, then they will visit. Right...?"

Luke didn't answer.
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Its Logan again! Comment and tell me who you think you'll like and how it's going so far.