Melting The Ice


"We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort. We're going to a Ski Resort.

We're going to pack some clothes! We're going to pack some clothes! Include some pants and shirts. We're going to pack some clothes! We're going to pack some clothes! We're going to pack some clothes! Include some pants and shirts. We're going to pack some clothes! We're going to pack some clothes! We're going to pack some clothes! Include some pants and shirts. We're going to pack some clothes! We're going to pack some clothes! We're going to pack some clothes! Include some pants and shirts. We're going to pack some clothes!

I'm going to force Ari into the car, cause he is sad and mopey. I'm going to make him smile all day cause he is sad and mopey.I'm going to force Ari into the car, cause he is sad and mopey. I'm going to make him smile all day cause he is sad and mopey.I'm going to force Ari into the car, cause he is sad and mopey. I'm going to make him smile all day cause he is sad and mopey.I'm going to force Ari into the car, cause he is sad and mopey. I'm going to make him smile all day cause he is sad and mopey.

I'm going to throw snow balls at him cause he is sad and mopey. Im going to throw snow balls at him ti cheer him up! Hooray! I'm going to throw snow balls at him cause he is sad and mopey. Im going to throw snow balls at him ti cheer him up! Hooray! I'm going to throw snow balls at him cause he is sad and mopey. Im going to throw snow balls at him ti cheer him up! Hooray! I'm going to throw snow balls at him cause he is sad and mopey. Im going to throw snow balls at him ti cheer him up! Hooray!"

"Asher, shut up," Arian hissed. "I'm trying to watch Dracula!"

I stuck my tongue out at him as I pack my clothes in the living room. "You've seen that movie a thousand times! Hurry up and pack! We got to go!"

Ari held up his Element book bag which was filled with games, movies, and music.

"Where's your clothes," I asked.

Ari held up another book bag filled with clothes.

"And where's you-"

He pointed to the door, where his Snowboard was resting against the door.

I sighed and continued packing. He was already packed and he didn't even want to go..."We're going to a Ski Resort! We're going to a Ski Res-"

My amazing song was stopped by Ari, who tossed a pillow at me.

"What was that for!?"

"You wouldn't shut up," Ari said simply. "I'm trying to watch this movie! We have a three to four hour drive ahead and I want to make sure I get amazing dreams."

I stared up at him with big doe eyes. "You could talk to me..."

Arian laughed. "Yeah, thats what I'm going to do."

I tossed the pillow back at him. Before long, we were a mess on the floor, tearing at each other's clothes and hair. Ari managed to get on top and pin me down like a sticky note. I tried to squirm out of his grasp but that proved to be much too difficult for me.

"Get off of me," I hissed. "Your bony elbows are hurting my arms!"

Dad came into the living room and stopped dead in his tracks. "Are you guys going incest?"

Arian jumped off of me faster than the speed of light.

"Stop joking like that," Arian growled and sat back down on the couch. and continued watching his movie.

I got up from the floor and rubbed my arm. It hurt a lot. Stupid Ari. He was awfully rough sometimes.

Dad held his hands up in surrender. "Didn't mean to make you mad. You guys ready to go?"


"Not really."

"Be Happy Arian!"


"Why Not?!"


"Boys, stop fighting."

I zipped up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. A few more minutes and we'll be going to the Ski Resort. I was soooo excited!

"We're going to a Ski-"

♠ ♠ ♠
Second update today :D Yay! Hooray for Asher's song!
