Melting The Ice


Why did we have to go on this trip? The cabin wasn’t even anything special. And spending five whole hours in a small jeep with Asher. That would be torture. He’d just keep talking and talking. He did not know the meaning of sleep. Or rest. I’ll walk if it comes to that.

“Are you sure you’ve got everything,” Dad asked for the fourth or fifth time. He was a bit worried, even though it was partly his idea that I was in this in the first place. I was half hoping he wouldn’t let us go at the last minute.

I patted Dad’s shoulder and smiled sweetly. “Don’t worry about us. It’s not like we can fall into a frozen lake, get impaled by icicles, or snowed in. If that were to happen, I totally wouldn’t be your fault. Don’t worry.” The look on Dad’s face was priceless. I could tell already that he was reconsidering letting us go.

“Ari,” Asher whined, running out of the house and to the drive way. “Stop scaring him! There’s nothing to worry about. We’ve been to a Ski Resort once before. Don’t let him drive you crazy, Dad. He’s just mad.”

I crossed my arms over my torso and huffed. He had to ruin my plan! Why, Asher, Why?! I walked over to the driver’s side of the car and got in. No one was going to drive except me. Asher got us lost once. That was the last time I ever let him drive. No way am I going to play guitar for money again.

After promising Dad that we would be fine, Asher finished placing his bangs in the trunk and hopped into the passenger’s seat. We waved goodbye to Dad and set off towards the edge of town and beyond.

Twenty minutes down the road, Asher asked if I could put on one of his CD’s. I shot him a look that said ‘are you kidding?’ There was no way I was going to listen to silly Nickasaur. Instead, I put in Eyes Set To Kill. My favorite song Darling was the first to play. Asher rolled his eyes and looked out the window, finding nothing else to do. I smiled happily to myself, glad to have some peace and quiet.

Don't lie; don’t lie to me now,
Now I'm erasing you,
Throwing those memories out,
Out to start something new,
I'm throwing those memories,
Darling don't lie to me.

Breathe in slowly now; darling don't lie to me,
Inhale truth I plead for you’re my only hope,
Don't lie, don't leave.

My minds set on failure with the road you chose
Told me you loved me told me you...

Take your time I’m only dying
Patiently i kneel here dying
Curse the blind you curse the blind
Deep inside is where it lies

What got me into this mess that devoured me?
(Darling don’t lie)
Lies and deceitful actions keep promising
(Don’t mind me I’m only dying)

I glanced over at Asher, who was looking miserable and bored out of his mind. Reluctantly, I replaced the Eyes Set to Kill CD with the Nickasaur one. Asher smiled widely at me and started to sing along.

Five hours. Only five hours.