I'll Be Damned If You're the Death of Me


This tour... could not end fast enough. There was still a month to go. James kept me on a very short leash.

A good thing thought about parties at night was that when Brooklyn goes to sleep she doesn't wake up. She sleeps VERY heavy. So tonight, we all headed over to Sleeping With Siren's tour bus.

It was nice. The music was loud and the drinks were everywhere. I wasn't staying long, I didn't want to leave Brooklyn alone for too long. Ben was there with her, he didn't wanna do much of anything.

I was drinker Jaeger straight out of the bottle. I was sitting on the couch, and Danny came and sat next to me. He just sat there and stared at me.

"What the fuck do you want."

"It's nice to see that you're not as bone-y as you used to be."

I glared at him.

"Okay. I just... want us to be friends. You have to admit, we've been through a lot together."

"Oh, so that means it was okay for you to do all of that shit to me? I was SO good to you, Danny."

"You cannot blame all of this on me! Maybe if you didn't let James stick his dick in you without a condom so many times-"

"Oh, what, so it's Brooklyn's fault?! Danny, you brought this upon yourself. I gave you more than enough chances for you to get your life together."

"Well, if it means anything to you, I haven't done any drugs except for weed and cigarettes since you left me."

"So it's also my fault you started getting fucked up." I scoffed.

"No. I'm just saying I'm so depressed without you in my life at all. I don't want them anymore. I just want us to have some kind of connection here. Please, I'm begging."

"I can't just let you back in like that." I snapped my finger. "We have NO trust together."

"Well then, I'll get it all back. Just wait."

"Good luck with that." I scoffed and tipped my bottle. He got up and went over to the counter with the drinks on it.

I got up and went back to our bus and got me another bottle.

Ben was sitting on the couch half asleep.

"Ben, why don't you go lay down?"

"I don't wanna. Plus Brooklyn-"

"Doesn't wake up during the night. Stop worrying and go to bed."

I went back to the other bus and chugged the bottle down.

"Slow down, killer." Austin stood in front of me.

"This is nothing to me. I don't even get hangovers anymore."

"Well, aren't you lucky. I'm just saying, don't you have a baby waiting for you?"

I did not need lecturing, especially from him.

"She's asleep, and my brother is with her."

"...So you can party and drink."

"Who asked you?" I pushed past him and through the empty bottle away and grabbed a red cup.

"You okay, hun?" I turned around and there was Alexis' slutty ass.


"Maybe you should take it easy."

"I. Am. Fine."

"Listen. I know you don't like me."

I scoffed. "Damn right, I don't like you. You RUINED my relationship. And you think you can just come in and act like you did NOTHING? Like we're FRIENDS? We are FAR from EVER being friends. You are a fucking whore that needs to close her gross ass legs."

And she lunged at me. We both fell to the floor and I got on top of her. She tried to attack me with her hands but I held her wrists. Danny grabbed me and held me around my stomach while Cameron had gotten Alexis out of the bus.

"Let go of me!" I squirmed.

"Bekah please-"

"No! I fucking HATE you!" He let me go and then James came from outside.

He grabbed my hand. "What happened?"

"Where the fuck have you been?"

"I was talking to on the phone, why what just happened?"

"Your girlfriend tried to attack my girlfriend." Danny explained.

"Um, bullshit! She jumped at me!"

"You started it! I heard that whole conversation!"

"I was just stating the truth!"

"I'm surprised you didn't get your ass beat, small one."

"I can't help you preferred a manly beast over me." I shot back at him.

"Okay, that's enough. You are so gone." James grabbed my arm and pulled me off the bus.

"I fucking hate him."

"Sure you do."
♠ ♠ ♠
ugh i loved writing this chapter
it's just so fakljd;lfj
comments would be amazing.