High School Trauma

The night (that day) before

Jaden smiled. This was it he was free, free from his hassling brothers and sisters, free from his mom who was an ultra-neat-freak. Free from his dad always telling he would never amount to anything. Free from his ex-girlfriend’s hassle. Free from his old life to start a new right here in New York. He was so excited this was it he wasn’t going to see them for ages and he was about to start his new school, M.I.H. This is was it a new start and everything was going to be perfect.

He moved light brown hair out of his face and looked in the mirror, he desperately needed a shower, but he’d have one later, it was only 10:00pm after all and he didn’t have to get up till 7:00am, so he was fine. And to put the cherry on the cake he dragged his eyes away from his mirror and his own beautiful reflection to his bed and T.V. A couple hours of T.V, bed then wake up shower and straighten hair then catch train to school. Short, simple, easy to remember. That’s the way he liked things.
The moon was up as Eve looked out of her window from the apartment block she was in. it just looked so beautiful, she wished that she could be here now, but that was impossible, she knew that. She had to forget what had happened; she had come here to move on not keep dwelling on the past.

But it was hard, it was like trying to close a tin that you’d just opened by mistake and wanted to close, but you can never stop the air getting in and the freshness getting out, it’s always there dwelling in and out, the food getting more and more sourer.

That’s how Eve was feeling sourer, someone should have done something. Something should have happened for getting to the level it did, but nothing happened no one listened, no one cared and then it was done.

Eve sat on her bed bringing her blanket around her taking in the smell, her smell. That was it she couldn’t take it, leaving home, coming here, starting a new school. They’d talked about things like this, but they had always been together never apart. And with that Eve broke down into tears and curled up on her bed and went to sleep still crying.
The last couple of lines were put across the paper and he was done. Sebastian finished the drawing and tacked it to the mangy blue wall and stood back, it didn’t look too bad. It was of a girl in his dream; she had long blonde hair and greeney brown eyes. Her face was pale and smooth, her face was full, but not fat, and she had musty cherry red lips.

He didn’t know if a girl like this even existed but if she did then he wanted to meet her, she was in his dreams nearly every night know and he didn’t know why. There were other people but they were just blurs compared to her.

He looked at his clock, 1:00am. He had school the next day. Well it wasn’t a full day of school it was called a ‘Zero Day,’ were you could meet people, and your teachers for the next two years. Fun. He really didn’t want to go but he should, he should also go to bed he didn’t want to, he wasn’t tired.

Instead he went on his computer and rote an email to his brother saying about what America was like.

Hey Gust,
U.S.A is just like home but they talk weird, like in all the movies but worse! It’s just stupid. They’re on my nerves and it’s only my first day here, well second. It’s now 1:00am! Woot! Woot!
Okay I know a little weird, but I start school today and I finished a new picture. It’s of a girl I keep seeing in my dreams. I remember her face so clearly, she pretty too. Will you ask Ava what she thinks, she’s into dreams and shit yer?
Anyway I’ve suddenly become tired, I hate that when you’re wide awake, then you do something half constructive and you’re sleepy.
Write back or I’ll have to kill you…
“I know okay so what do I wear?”

Jamal was looking through her closet lifting out cloths and throwing them on her bed.

“Calm down mate, look what’s the weather like?”

Her best friend Adel was on the other line. She was in Australia at the moment from Jamal was from and she was helping her find the perfect outfit for tomorrow.

“Sunny I guess, but not our summer hot just plain sunny with a breeze, well it was when it was light.”

“Okay simple, go with jeans, never can go wrong with those. Have you packed those flared ones, quite low cut, that look like a denim skirt?”

That was the best thing about Adel was that she knew nearly the whole of Jamal’s wardrobe from their various fashion fiascos.

Jamal tried to think of whether she had packed those trousers…yes thinking about it she was sure she had.

“Yer, okay but there low cut what can I wear over the top I don’t want to be too hot.”

“I know, I’m thinking, what about that thin, white, long sleeved top and a blue hijab, and white hair band.”

Jamal smiled. This is what best friends were for.

“Thanks I got to go this is gonna cost an arm and a leg, call me in about a month or sooner if need be and email all the time!!!!”

“I will Jam, see ya.”

The phone went dead and Jamal started to find her cloths for school the next day.
The manikin was set and the last few things were being added to the design.


Kaori looked at her new dress, this was gonna look awesome tomorrow, looking at her Hello Kitty clock she realised it would be today. Smiling to herself she took of her slippers and slipped into her bed.

She had been in New York a couple of weeks and looked around her room. Her grandparents had given her some money to buy things for her new room. Using the money Kaori had tried to make herself feel as much as home as possible. It had newly painted white walls already and she had bought some picture to hang up from home. But she had bought a new low bed, new sheets in red and white, a cute rock pool, a desk and wardrobe.

She missed home a lot but this was where she wanted, no needed to be. Fashion was her life and this was the best place to go. She loved the atmosphere already but she just missed the mountains and the calm serenity of were she had lived. But on the other hand she had missed not living in the city and now she was in one and this is where she wanted to be. This was where all her dreams could come true!
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sailor emo