Crimson Rose

Chapter 1:

Police cars and ambulances sirens rang through the night. People walking the streets wondering what happened. Small snow flakes fell from the sky cooling the air.

"Everyone go home there's nothing to see here," a few of the police men were saying to the people who were gathering.

"What do you think sir? Murder?" asked a scrawny looking cop who couldn't been any older than 23.

"I believe so," a fat man said after examining the body. He took of his hat to pay his respect to the victim. He had a huge bold spot on the top of his head. He put his hat back on and pulled out a cigar and lit it, then added, "poor girl she doesn't look all that old."

"What should we do sir?"
"I..... I don't know anymore. This is the fifth this month."
"Chief maybe we should get detectives and see what they say about it. Maybe they could see what we can't."
"I have...... I hate to say it but we might have to call... 'them'."
"'Them' sir?"
"Yes...... get officer Taylor on the phone."
"Yes sir."

A girl only and 17 with short, light black hair, and dark rings under her gray eyes sat in the middle of a hotel room playing with sugar cubs. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a baggy whit shirt. Standing by the girl was a woman only 22 with brown hair with a few clips in it and light brown eyes. she wore a short skirt and a tight buttoned up shirt witch was barley buttoned. In one corner of the room a guy who was 25 with black, spiky hair and light blue eyes was sitting at a computer. He wore ripped up jeans and chains, and wore a tight black shirt the shows is muscles.

An old man in a suite walked in and said, "The police need you. There has been multiple murders and they can't seem to figure out who's doing it."

"Is that so? What do you think Hunter?" the woman asked the guy in the corner.

"It sounds good to me but it all depends on the little next to you. So what do you think Tory?" Hunter said with a smart ass smile.

"I am not little," Tory said than stood you and looked at the old man, "Any pictures of the crime scene? Any reports from the police?"

"Yes miss," he pulled out an envelope and gave it to Tory.

She looked trough the papers in the envelope, "Thank you Mr.Taylor. You may leave now. We will look it over."

"Yes miss," Taylor said with a slight bow then left the room.

"Kyle take a look at this." Tory handed some pictures to Kyle.

Kyle looked at them than asked, "What about them?"

"Tell me what you see. Look closely. Hunter come here there's some dates and times i want you to look at."

Hunter got up and looked at the papers. "There's a pattern to the dates," He said.

"And there's some kind of writing on the victims' arms." Kyle added.

"What do you think this means? Tory?" Hunter asked, then he noticed Tory walking out of the room, "Hey Tory what's going through your head?"

Hunter and Kyle fallowed her to Taylor's work room. Taylor, who was sitting at his desk, looked up at Tory. He nodded his head knowing what Tory wanted. Tory then left the the room and walked into an elevator right across the hall.

"Were are you going Tory?" Kyle asked.

"You'll see," Tory responded.

"Tory?" Taylor called.

"Yes Taylor?"

"May I come with you? I want to keep an eye on you three and the chief of police knows me."

"If you wish."

Kyle and Hunter healed the elevator door open for Taylor. They finally go to the bottom floor.

"Have a nice day. Please come back safely." the lady at the check in desk said with a smile.

They got into a car and drove off. Tory sat by the window with her knees to her chest and stared out the window. Kyle sat in the middle with her legs crossed. She put her hand on Tory's knee and tried to figure what she was thinking. Hunter sat on the other side still looking through the papers.

Kyle reached under Tory's chin and turned her head toward her, "Tell me what you're thinking hun. What are you're thoughts dear?"

"Something seems off . Can't figure it out."

"Don't worry we'll figure it out. Just you wait." Hunter said confidently.

Kyle hugs Tory to cheer her up but it didn't work. She couldn't get her thoughts off it. There was something, just one thing that didn't make seance to her.

They finally got to the police station and they walked in. The chief walked up to them blowing a ring of smoke.

"So you three are 'them'? Kinda young don't you think?" the chief asked.

"Young or not we're smarter than you," Tory said still out of it.

"Tory?!" Kyle exclaimed than covered her mouth, than added, "Please excuse her she's lost in thought so she doesn't know what she's saying."

"Anyways we'll take care of everything from here on. If you find anything else tell Taylor ok?" Hunter said.

"Ok. So what are you going to do now?" the chief asked.

"We're going to go to the most resent crime seen and find what you missed," Troy said when she finally pulled Kyle's had away.

"What we missed?" he asked.

"Yes you cops always miss at lest one thing."

"Ok lets get going hu? Come on Tory lets go," Kyle jumped in before the conversation got worse.

They left and went to the alleyway where the last body was found. Tory went over to the blood stain and crouched down putting her hand on it.

"Five girls where killed at the say time at night. but what was the connection?..... They were blond with pale skin........ IS that his obsession?" Tory was talking to herself than looked around, "They were all killed in an alleyway. They all were positioned like a cross with iron stakes punctured through their palms. Their belly's where cut open and there mouths where cute to look like a smile from ear to ear...... But somethings missing."

"Tory it's getting really cold and you get sick really easily. Lets get back to the hotel now ok," Hunter said in a little worried ton.

"NO! Not yet! Taylor did the cops say anything that's not in the reports?"

"No miss. What are you trying to find may i ask?"

Tory sighed, "I don't know..... Maybe I'm looking for something that doesn't exist"

Tory got up and got into the car. The rest fallowed and they drove to the hotel, and went to there sweet. Tory sat on the couch and started playing with dice. Kyle sat next to her and rubbed her back.

"Don't worry you'll figure it out ok......... How about we all go over the evidence so far," Kyle tried to cheer Tory up.

"Ok. A we have so far is that the victims were killed all around midnight to one a.m. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to the days they were killed, and the only think that the victims have in common is that they where blond and had pale skin. Also they were between the age of 23 to 30 years of age. It doesn't seem like anything was stolen from them because that all had there IDs, money, and credit cards. They all were found the same way, showing that it was the same guy." Hunter read the report.

Then Taylor came bursting through the door, "They found another victim who was killed last night! Hurry we must get there before they have to move the body!"
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This is a new type of writing style im not all that use to so please tell me what you think. (mainly cause of maddi)
also theres a girl in it that kinda looks and acts like L from death note witch is why its a fan fic