Cold Sunlight


The girl stayed sat on the wall even though it has started lightly snowing again. There was only three more hours until it was Christmas and although some people were out late Christmas shopping, most parents would be at home wrapping presents up for their children whilst their children were in bed, dreaming the night away about Santa Claus and what presents he would bring them.

The tips of her fingers were freezing ever so slightly more than the rest of her hand because her gloves didn't cover the tips. They were them fingerless gloves that so many people brought and then regretted when they never helped.

It was the same with the girl.

The only reason she was here was to save her family money. They were broke, and the younger ones wanted Christmas. The girl gave up her warm house, warm bed and warm food just so the younger ones could have a good Christmas, like the old ones she used to have.

The proper Christmas spirit she had, even if she never showed it fully.

Breathlessly, the girl spoke into the air, “Santa, please let me survive the night. That'll be a happy Christmas. Just to still be alive.”