The New Girl on the Block

Okay, so in this fanfiction, at the beginning of the story, Zach, Cameron, Micheal, and Nathan are not famous. But it's coming, I promise.
  1. Chapter 1.
  2. Chapter 2.
    This chapter is long, and kinda pointless. But oh well. I thought it was cute. ._.
  3. Chapter 3.
  4. Chapter 4.
    Okay, this chapter is pretty short. Nothing exciting happens, it's just a filler for the next two chapters. ;P
  5. Chapter 5.
  6. Chapter 6.
  7. Chapter 7.
    The beginning sucks, and the whole chapter sucks. Sorry. I kinda had writer's block with this chapter.
  8. Chapter 8.
  9. Chapter 9.