The New Girl on the Block

Chapter 8.

"Ugh." I mumbled, staring at the time on my cell phone. It was Monday morning, and I hate Monday's. The only time I liked Monday's was if it was raining. I dragged myself out of bed, and walked over to the window, opening my blinds. I saw water droplets running down my window, and knew it was raining. Today was going to be a good day.

As I was deciding on what to wear that day, my phone vibrated. It was Cameron. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, new girl." I couldn't help smile when he said that, and I could tell he was smiling by the way he said it. "Can you be ready in five minutes?" He asked me. "Yeah, but-" He cut me off, before I could finish. "Great! I'll be there in five."

I quickly picked out an outfit, and threw it on. I quickly checked my hair, makeup, and outfit. I grabbed by bookbag, and walked downstairs. By time I got downstairs, Cameron was already in my driveway. I quickly ran over to the kitchen pantry grabbing a poptart, and a bottle of water from the refridgerator.

I quickly walked outside to find Cameron standing at the passenger door, with it open and an umbrella. "Good morning." He smiled, opening his arms. "Hey there." I smiled, hugging him. Cameron definitely gave the greatest hugs, ever. I got in his car, and he got in ont he driver's side.

"What's going on?" I asked him. "Well, I thought we could squeeze in date number three, before school." He grinned. "W-What?" I laughed. "Is that okay?" He smiled, glancing at me. "Of course. But where?" I smiled. "Somewhere for breakfast, sound good?" "As long as it's nothing fancy." I said. "McDonald's it is!" He laughed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him. "Your hair.." "Eh, I know." I said, playing with a stran of hair. "Is that your natural hair style?" He said, focussing on the road. "Yeah, especially when it rains. Which is why I didn't straighten it today." He smiled. "I like it like that.. You should wear it like that more often." I could tell I was blushing. I smiled. "Thank you." He reached over, and turned up the volume on the radio.

She has no problem with secrets
She knows how to keep them
She never felt the need to let them show

I started singing along, instantly. "You know this song?!" Cameron asked, amazed. "You know this band?!" I mocked him, laughing. "Well, of course. They're amazing. I love them. This is one of my favorite songs." "No way. Mine too." I smiled. "They're not really a famous band, though." He laughed. "Trust me, I know." I rolled my eyes. "Back at home, none of my friends liked the music I listened to. They only focused to what was on the radio. Nobody liked my type." I shrugged. "Well, I think you have pretty good taste, new girl." He smiled.

And I've had no trouble with speaking
Or trusting my instincts
That maybe this is one that I should know
But as I'm waiting there
The devil on my shoulder stares
Laughing that the one thing I can't get
Is what I need

She, She is the words that I can't find
How can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive
And I couldn't speak
I couldn't breathe to save my life
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it's it
I'll drown or make her mine

My vocal chords have been fighting
My mouth likes to spite me
It never says the words that come to mind
I brought a stick to a gun fight
And I'm stuck with my tongue tied
I run but I can't hide what's always there is

She, She is the words that I can't find
How can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive

And I couldn't speak
I couldn't breathe to save my life
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it's it
I'll drown or make her mine

I can see these things I'd do
But never seem to follow through
She, She is the words that I can't find
How can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive

She, She is the words that I can't find
How can the only thing that's killing me make me feel so alive
And I couldn't speak
I couldn't breathe to save my life
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it's it
I'll drown or make her mine

I couldn't speak
I couldn't breathe to save my life
All of my chances swim like sinking ships
This time it's it
I'll drown or make her mine

We both sang along with the song on the radio, as we pulled up to McDonald's. We got our food, and ate it on the way to school. I offered to pay for mine, but Cameron wouldn't let me. "Haley, if I let you pay then it's not a date." He laughed. "Fine." I sighed. On the way to school, we listened to the mix CD Cameron had in, with a bunch of unpopular bands.

Cameron walked to me first period, where we met up with Nathan. "I'll text you." He smiled, hugging me bye. "Can't wait." I smiled back at him, and walked into my class. Nathan came in shortly after. "New girl! Wasssup!" He grinned, opening his arms. "Long time no see." He joked. "Oh, man. I know right? It's not like we went ice-skating yesterday, or anything." I laughed, hugging him.

We sat down, and class began shortly after. It was a pretty laid back day in first period. Nathan, and I talked, and Cameron and I texted.

"He really likes you, you know." Nathan said. "Who?" I asked. "Cameron, dummy." He laughed. "Oh, yeah... I know. That's a bad thing." I said. "Why's that a bad thing? Oh no.. Don't tell me you have a boyfriend back at home, new girl." Nathan said worried. "No, no, no. That's the thing.. I've never had one." Nathan looked at me strange.

"You're kidding me, right?" He asked. "Um, sadly. I'm not." I said. "That's hard to believe." I laughed, sarcastically of course. "No it's not." "Yes it is." "No it's not. "Yes it is." We went back and forth like this, each time trying not to laugh. "Haley, you're fun to be around, beautiful, smart, amazing, and so much more. It is hard to believe." He said grinning. "I still disagree." I mumbled. "But, thanks." I smiled. "I told him he should ask you out." Nathan smiled.

"What if I'm a bad girlfriend?!" I asked him. Nathan just laughed, as I hit his arm playfully. "It's not funny!" I frowned, laughing. I looked up at the front of the room, to see this girl staring at Nathan, and I with an evil look. "Why is she giving us the death stare?" I whispered to Nathan. "Oh, Kallie? She's had a crush on Cameron since forever." He laughed. "Cameron doesn't want her, so I guess she sees you as a threat. Don't worry though, Cameron wouldn't pick her over you anyday." Nathan smiled. "Thanks, Nate D." I laughed. "Nate D?"

"That sounds like a new nickname for me." He smiled. "Well, you gave me the nick name 'new girl' and that stuck, so Nate D will stick for you." I laughed. "I like it." He smiled.

After first period, Nathan and I waited for Cameron. When Cameron got to us, he grabbed my hand. Us three walked to our next class together. Nathan met up with Michael, and they went to their class, while Cameron and I went to our class.

I heard whispering, and snickering behind us as we were walking. I turned around to see Kallie and her group of friends. They were talking about me. They were calling me a hillbilly, a ginger, and other stupid things. I looked down, watching my feet as we walked. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." I said softly.

Cameron looked over his shoulder, to see what had made me so upset. "Ugh." I heard him mumble under his breath. He then pulled on my hand, pulling me closer to his side. He wrapped his arm around my lower back, "Don't worry about her. I like you a lot better." He whispered, while he kissed my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so. I made this chapter long because I haven't updated recently.
And the reason I don't update often is because, I never get any comments.

So, if you want me to update, comment.
The more comments, the faster the updates.
I have a certain number of comments I want, before I post chapter nine.

So, tell your friends to comment if you want chapter nine.