Edward's Surprise

the cuteness continues

Once we got downstairs to the living room she started to hum. I listened closely, thinking it's that glorious song she made and sung for me. But, boy, was I wrong. This song she was beautifully singing was one I've never heard before, as well. Resisting the urge to ask her what she was singing, I force myself to listen to my goddess:

"Your laughter it echoes like a joyous thunder
Your whisper it warms me like a summer breeze
Your anger is fiercer than the sun in its splendor
You’re close and yet full of mystery
Ever since the day that I saw Your face
Try as I may, I cannot look away, I cannot look away…"

She stopped in the doorway of the living room; turned to around to look at me and said,

"What would you prefer to watch?" I barley even heard her, what with the setting sunlight shining on her from behind through the huge open window by the TV, which made her seem even more of a goddess than ever before.

I stood there enchanted by her beauty. Again I purr. She giggled.

"Edward? Hey, did you hear me?" she said while waving her hand to get my attention.


"I said what would you prefer to watch?"

"Oh... um? I don't care, whatever you want."

"Kay." and with that she went over; picked out 'Romeo & Juliet' and popped it in. Still singing that unknown song.

"Captivated by You
I am captivated by You
May my life be one unbroken gaze
Fixed upon the beauty of Your face

Beholding is becoming, so as You fill my gaze
I become more like You and my heart is changed
Beholding is becoming, so as You fill my view
Transform me into the likeness of You"

She was about to sit on the couch, but I ran at vampire speed; snaked my arms around her tiny waist; purred while kissing her neck; she then said,

"I take it you like the song."

"Yes, I know I'm being entirely selfish, but please sing it."

"It would be an honor." with that she sang, while the sunlight from the setting sun shone and seemed to cling to her perfect, beautiful body. The purring seemed to encourage her even more. But then the purring intensified, and I felt a harden feeling at my groin. I had felt this before, but always found a way to control it. But Bella singing so beautifully, the sunlight illuminating off her.

I know that I told her we would wait to try, but not anymore. It would happen whenever she wanted.

"This is what I ask, for all my days
That I may, never look away, never look away…
No other could ever be as beautiful
No other could ever steal my heart away
I just can’t look away..."

She looked at me with the most loving, cutest, and lustful eyes that would probably stop my heart if it were still beating. She then walked over to me and said,

"I know the answer already, but I still want to hear it. Do you like it?"

"If know the answer then why ask?" I tease.

"Please, just answer it."


She smiles at me, my absolute favorite smile that has ever touched my goddess's lips, and says to me,

"The purring is beyond sexy, Edward. And with the lust I just heard in it makes it even sexier. Especially with that bulge I see down there. Do you need any help with that?"

I growled a low, seducing growl from deep in my chest, which shook my body, pulled her to me, making sure that she could feel it against her middle, and said,

"As a matter of, I do need some help."

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

We never did get to the movie that planned to watch.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is for all those who encouraged me to keep going, plus the subscribers:


the sailor's anchor



this ones for u guys! enjoy! :3 (let me know if u think there needs 2 be more detail)