The Smell of Pure Fear

Over My Dead Body

Gerard's POV:

“Mom, I don't understand why she won't get out of that house. He's killing her,” I rung my hands through my hair, wishing I could think of a way to save her. There was something about Darcy that made me unable to stop thinking about her. Could it have been the fact that she could relate to my troubles? Was it because she made me feel like I wasn't alone? I wasn't sure. Maybe it was simply because she tried to stand out; and for that I was jealous of. I'd never been able to do that, I always found myself hiding behind this barrier. As soon as I found myself starting to come out the drugs and booze would push me further behind this rock wall. And I felt as if I had no way to get out. 

“Baby, maybe she feels like she has to stay. Like she has some kind of obligation to stay with her family,” My mom tried to reason.

It made no sense though.

“That can't be it. That's stupid and Darce isn't stupid. She would know better than to just stay with that man because she had an obligation.” I rolled my eyes at my mother and her idiotic thought. Darcy wasn't like that; was she?

“Calm down, Gerard. If anything happens she'll call you and we'll go pick her up.” My mom came behind me and tried to pat the hair out of my face. I shoved her hands away and sneered at her.

“What if she can't call? What if something happens so badly that she can't find a way out?” I was staring her down as if she should have all the answers. I was being unreasonable; I knew that. But I felt no need to hide my anger, my worry. I wanted my best friend to be safe and at the moment, that's all I cared about.

“If you're so worried about her, why don't you go check on the girl? Stop wasting your time arguing with me and go with your heart. If you think she needs help, she needs help.”

My mom did have a point. If my feeling was so strong, maybe that meant she really did need help. Or maybe we were wrong and her father had never woken up. Maybe, my trying to help her would wake him up; my efforts would only cause problems.

We sat in silence for a second, both of us collecting our thoughts. A sick feeling had begun to rest at the pit of my stomach. A pang of guilt too, I had to save her.

I abruptly stood up and turned to my mom. A smirk planted on her lips, my car keys dangling from the tips of her fingers. I grabbed them from her and turned to the door. “Do you want me to come?” I heard her motherly voice behind me.

“Would you mind? If something happened she may need you.” She shook her head in response and continued out the door to the car with me.

After starting the engine, we sped out of the parking lot. Inside, I was laughing. I felt like I'd been in this position more than once tonight. I payed no attention to the speed limit, Darcy was more important. But on the outside, I was biting my lip and tearing my insides up from being so uncontrollably nervous.

My mom comforted me by rubbing my shoulder, something she had done since I was a little boy. I was relieved to have brought her with me, I already felt better. But the only thing that could make me forget all my worries was to see Darcy.

“About damn time,” I mumbled to myself as we parked beside her house. I could see a dim light coming from a window on the side of her house. I suspected that was her room. That wasn't right, that wasn't good. Her light should not be on, this was already a horrible sign.

I cautiously crept to the window. I peered into the dirty glass, I saw a poster for an old concert. Definitely Darcy's room. The next thing I saw scared the shit out of me. Darcy was on the ground, lying limp. I pushed the window open and jumped through it. 

Her eyes were slanted, opening then closing. Her body was covered in bruises. Then there was a burn on her left forearm. That bastard had gotten a cigarette and burnt her! Fury overwhelmed me, I wanted to kill him. But I had bigger priorities.

“Gee,” It was barely above a whisper. “It hurts. It all hurts.” I was so angry that I could have cried but I knew I had to be strong for her. She tried to sit up but she couldn't. A gargled noise of pain escaped from her lips. 

“Don't worry, darling. We're getting you out of here.” I scooped her up into my arms and stepped through the window. She was as light as a feather. I could feel her ribs; it was as if she had not eaten in days. That was soon to be over with.

She groaned in pain and I saw a single tear shed from her eyes. That was enough to break my heart. And almost enough to make me go right back through that window and break her dad's neck.

My mom was waiting outside of the car and as soon as she saw us coming she ran to me. “Oh, dear lord.” She spoke, astonished of what she was seeing. My mom bent down and kissed her forehead; something that meant she had accepted Darcy as her own child. 

“Please don't let him hurt me again. Please, don't let him follow me.” I didn't think she was speaking to me or my mother though, she was praying to herself it seemed.

“He won't ever lay a hand on you again. It'll be over my dead body.”