Status: Hiatus

Our World Made Up of Lies.

The Mortician's Daughter

"Go away, Darrel. No one asked you to come 'visit' my work." I groaned.

"Can we talk? Austin misses you and the twins." The taller man's deep voice asked.

I huffed loudly, "Us talking has nothing to do with Austin and my children. Now go fuck off with Gena, I know she's probably missing you right now." I hissed, trying to walk around him again.

He groaned, stepping in my way once again, "Come on, RJ, it was a year ago. You know Alice would ha-"

"Don't you even try to finish that fucking sentence." I growled, "If you have any brains in your head, you'll never even mention her name after what you did. And I'm pretty sure if she knew, she'd of ripped your dick off, like I should have."

And that's what it's been like for the last six months. The first six months were nothing compared to this. Six months ago I would have just kept my mouth shut and ignored him, but something snapped in me that I couldn't quite figure out. It's like the only time I smile I even try to smile is when I'm with Heidi and Harley, or my dad and Zacky.

No one outside of my family knows why I'm like this now, so Darrel was a little more than surprised at my little rant. He stood there, not sure what to say or do.

"Is there a problem here?" I turned to see Zacky in the doorway of the VU building.

I nodded my head in Darrel's direction, "Yeah, he's the problem." I murmured.

Zacky nodded, a grim look on his face as he looked at the piece of cheating scum on his building's stoop.

"I suggest you leave Roxy here alone. Got it?" he sneered.

Darrel looked at me with nothing but sorrow before nodding, "Alright.. but for Austin's sake, call me sometime RJ." He turned on his heel, walking away and leaving me and Zacky alone together.

"Thanks, he was really starting to irritate me." I murmured, rubbing the back of my neck.

He nodded, walking over and snuggling his nose into my neck while wrapping his arms around my waist in a hug, "Anytime, Hun. You wanna ride home? I don't want you driving upset."

I almost giggled at how caring he was acting. Almost. Nodding, he took my hand in his and walked me to my car, opening the passenger side for me. I gave him a small, not so forced smile.

Once he was in the driver's seat and had the car turned on, he grabbed my hand, holding it all the way home. No, we're not together, he just knows how alone I feel since he left Gena after I told him what she and Darrel we're doing on that day. Hell, he basically moved in with me and the kids.

"I love you, you know that?" he asked in a tone that clearly stated 'I love you, now I'm going to ask you to do something you might regret doing later'.

I sighed, "What is it, Zacky?"

A grin appeared on his face, "Theirs a party tonight, on the red carpet, and I want you to come with me."

Something deep in my stomach went off at his words, and I'm sure that if it could have been a noise, it would have sounded like your computer dose when you get an instant message.

"L-like a.. date?" I stuttered.

He chuckled, "I guess you could call it that. I just want to get you out and show you off. If you want to." he added.

Thinking back, I couldn't remember the last time I went out on a date that wasn't Darrel. It could be fun, and exactly what I need.

Nodding, I smiled. Genuinely too, not one of the fake ones I've been wearing. "Yeah, I'll go. Oh, what about Heidi and Harley? They'll need a babysitter."

"Brian's sister said she would. And for free too." he said.

I smiled again, for the first time in a long time, I felt happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOOO!! So this is the sequel! And I'm totally stoked for this! Can I get a fist pump!?!
Anyway... I'd like to thank those who have Subscribed and Commented already ^_^ Y'all make me happy :D

Comments and Subscriptions make me dance in my panties =)
