Status: Hiatus

Our World Made Up of Lies.

Moving Mountains "Edited"

I sighed and fixed my dress I grabbed a purple jacket for if I got cold. I looked over my image one more time before turning around to see Heaven she looked beautiful, we smiled at each other and hooked arms. We walked downstairs and saw Jake, I grimaced at him and un hooked arms with Heaven and hooked arms with Jake. I took a deep breathe and we headed towards the part thing Jake was talking about.


"It's a red carpet party?!" I asked, disbelieve appearing in my voice. Jake smiled and nodded, he got out of the car and came to my door and opened it take my arm. Heaven got out and walked besides us, I smiled at her and we started our walk into the building. I was scared, there was this feeling in my stomach telling me something was gonna happen.


"Hello, you must be Mrs. Hasher?" A guy asked coming up besides me, I smiled and nodded.

"Yes and you are?" I asked politely, he smiled at me.

"I am James, I work with Jake." He said, I laughed.

"Does everybody's name there start with a 'J'?" I asked, he laughed and shook his head.

"I was wondering if you would like to dance, seeing everybody is dancing and I had no one to dance with. I hope Mr. Hasher doesn't mind?" He said raising an eyebrow, I smiled and grabbed his out stretched hand and stood with him walking to the dance floor.


"Lisa." I turned my head to my fake name that Jake gave me, I smiled at Jake and looked to see who he had at his side.

"I would like you to meet, Mr. Baker and his date." Jake said smirking at me, I glared at him and stood.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Lisa." I said shaking Zacky's all to familiar hand.

"Zachary, or just Zacky." He said smiling at me, I saw he was trying to see behind my sunglasses. I knew once he saw my eyes he would know who I am, that's why Jake has me where them every where we go. I turned to Roxy and almost burst into tears, what happened to my baby sister?

"Roxane, or just Roxy." She said shaking my hand, she didn't smile what so ever. We sat down at the table we were sitting at, Roxy sat next to me.

"So what do you do Lisa?" Zacky asked, he took a sip of what ever was in his glass. I sighed and then smiled.

"I'm a stay at home mom." I said, Zacky looked at me suprised.

"You guys have a daughter?" He asked, Jake nodded.

"Here she is now," Heaven walked up besides Jake and looked in my direction, I nodded. "Heaven, meet Mr. Baker and his date Roxane."

"Call me Roxy." Roxy said smiling at her, my heart broke a little. Why smile at her and not me?

"Call me Zacky." Zacky said, Heaven nodded and sat on my lap. I was use to this so I did not complain, I saw Matt coming towards us so I hid my face in Heaven's back. If I saw Matt I would certanitly brake down and cry, then I would get punished. Matt was directly behind Zacky and Roxy now.

"Lisa, Heaven, meet Mr. Sanders." Jake said, I looked up and smiled at Matt. He didn't smile back though, my smile dropped. He knew, didn't he? I looked away and glared at Jake, he was hoping for this wasn't he? Matt sat down, Jake started conversation with Zacky but Matt and Roxy just stared at me. I gulped and hid my face in Heaven's back, of course I would like them to know. I would want them to know that I was alive but if they tried to save me it wouldn't work. Jake would find me because of these stupid bracelets, I sighed and shook my head.

"Zacky, RJ!!" I froze because this was a way to familiar voice, I turned and saw my daddy.

"Dad meet Lisa, Dr. Hasher's wife." Roxy said, pointing towards me. He looked at me and froze.


Mother fucking cock sucking Bitch, I'm dead.
♠ ♠ ♠
I edited this so ya :D Lol it still not that great but you'll get over it :P
I wonder what is gonna happen?
Comment we need lots more :D
xoxoxo Tanisha