Status: Hiatus

Our World Made Up of Lies.

The Ransom

I sat there staring at her. She looked so familiar, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. I knew Matt was doing the same as me, but at this pace, I was so close to just snapping at the other girl for just looking like my sister. I refuse to call her by a name I know isn't hers. Fuck that.

They were all deep in a conversation that I wasn't listening to. The girl kept hiding behind the girl on her lap. There was no way that Heaven was her kid. Heaven looked young, but I knew she couldn't be more than a couple years younger than me.

Suddenly there was a roar of yelling for me and Zacky. It was Daddy, and I knew that if he had drank more than I thought, he would claim that girl as Alice. Like we all knew it was.

"Dad, meet Lisa, Dr. Hasher's wife." I said, pointing to the girl that could possibly be my sister.

I saw Daddy tense up, which means my plan was working. I also knew what was about to come.

"Alice?" he just about whispered.

Told ya. Ever ones eyes were on her, but Dr. Hasher must not of heard my dad, because he excused himself to use the restroom. Good, now I could talk to her.

"Heaven, go away." I said bluntly in a cold voice. She stood up right away, giving Alice a warning look, and left to go dance.

"Alice. Talk to me, baby." Daddy pleaded, taking a seat in the booth next to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she said, her voice shaking.

"Don't give me that bull shit!" I exclaimed, slamming my hand down on the table, and losing all the cool I tried so hard to keep under control. "Tell me why the fuck I haven't seen me big sister in a whole goddamn year!"

Damn straight I was pissed! I haven't seen my sister in a whole fucking year, and when I find her, she wont even try to help me get her back for good!

"I can't" she whispered.

"To hell you can't!" I sneered, "Just tell me how I can get my Sissy back. Please." Now I was begging. She needed to know how much we need her.

She sighed, finally taking off the glasses to prove that it was her. My sister. My Alice.

"He won't let me. I'll get punished. Then God only knows what he'll do. If he even knows that you know it's me.. I don't know." she said, running her hand through her hair.

"What does he do? Come on, Alice, we don't have much time." Matt spoke up.

She showed me her wrists that were covered in bracelets, "See these? They're bolted into my wrists, and if I do something wrong, they electrocute me. And if he doesn't feel like doing that, he beats me. Sometimes sexually and emotionally." she explained.

I felt tears stinging my eyes for all the pain she must be going through. If he hurts her, he hurts me.

"Listen, babe, I'm going to take care of this. No matter what I have to do, or how long it takes, I'll get you home. We all miss you so much.. Some of us aren't coping very well.." I said, looking into her eyes.

Oh, how I just wanted to take her hand and run out of there. We would be so much happier with her there, but I knew I couldn't. Shit like this takes time. And that's all I have now, time and my babies.

"Justin.." she whispered.

I shook my head. "He.. he drinks.. a lot. I'm not so sure about his health anymore. But he needs you. We all do." I told her.

I saw Jake heading our way, "Put the glasses on." I whispered to her.

She nodded, slipping her eyes back under the shades, right before Jake could see that she had removed them.

"So, hows the band?" Jake asked.

They continued their conversations, but I didn't say another word. I kept staring at Alice, and with ever passing second, the hope in m heart kept building up. I could still have a chance at getting my sister back!

She wasn't dead like everyone thought she was, and I was right. I was going to get her back, no matter how much it was going to cost, I would give my life for her to be happy again.

And I'll be damned if I was going to let some statistical sonofabitch get in my way.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah :)
That was my update, and as you know, its now my buddy's turn =)
Oh, story of the day! So this morning I went to take a shower, but I was out of conditioner, so I borrowed my mommy's. Well later, I went to the store and decided to get my own. You'll never guess what the cashier person asked; "What are you gonna use that for?".
I was like 'WTF? What do you use it for?' So yeah, that was interesting..

Anyway! Comment and Subscribe! Do that and I will be forever grateful to you =)
