Status: Hiatus

Our World Made Up of Lies.

Love the way you lie.

"I thought we were gonna go somewhere to eat?" He asked, I shrugged my shoulders and pulled up by my dad's house. Leana was on a trip with her family so we have never meet her yet, I'm kinda scared to meet her. Dad hasn't even told her yet that he has kids, I sighed and got out throwing the keys to Justin.

"I guess that was just an excuse." I smirked at him, I knew it was because my hormones have been going crazy lately and I trust him to give him my innocence. I smiled at me knowing exactly what I wanted, if you haven't guess Justin and I have been trying to have a little "alone time" but someone always interrupts. Justin though wasn't a virgin, me, well I was. I opened the door and Justin shut and soon had me pinned against the wall, I smirked up at him as he smiled down at me.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I remembered that day, this was my best memory I have of my old life. I missed my family, they were my whole life, my whole meaning of staying alive.

"RJ!!" I screamed, I ran towards Roxy and jumped into her arms. She was only gone for two days but those two days to me were like two years. "I missed you so much, please don't ever leave me." I cried into her shoulder, Roxy laughed and pulled me away from her.

"Alice I was only gone for two days." She chided, she was missing two front teeth so she sounded funny.

"For me it was like foREVer!" I yelled shoving my head back on her shoulder, we stood like this until our mother told us to come in. We smiled at each other and ran towards the door, we raced to the kitchen and grabbed at the freshly cooked brownies our mother took out.

"Careful they are hot!" She scolded, we smiled at our mom and ran towards her and hugged her. We all broke out into a fit of giggles, I smiled at my mom and sister and thought

'This is the life.' I hugged my mom and sister, they smiled at me.

"I love you guys." I laughed.

I screamed and threw something at the wall, tears were flowing down my face. I hit the wall multiple times screaming and yelling. The bed room door flew open and Heaven came in, she ran towards me and grabbed my arms.

"Alice stop your gonna hurt yourself!" She yelled, she was holding my wrist and held me. I cried into her shoulder and cried, I sometimes hit her if I got really mad but she just let me.

"She's gone my mom is gone and now I don't have my little sister!!" I screamed, I cried some more. The door opened some more and Jake stood in the doorway. I growled and ran at him, he didn't make a move at all, at hit him in his chest screaming at him. All he did was stand there.

"You bastard! I hate you, why did you have to take me? You fucking bastard!" I screamed, I slid down to the floor and held my head in my hands.

"Why don't we go to the beach today, do something relaxing?" He said, he looked down at me. He left the room and Heaven went into our closet and picked out outfits for both of us, I laughed at the shirt she pulled on.

"Cute." I said, I stood up and pulled everything on. We headed outside and got in Jake's car and started our journey to the beach. I leaned my head on the car's window and shivered, I closed my eyes and listened to the radio.

"Alice what did you do?" Roxy yelled, she ran towards me and fell to her knees. I looked down at my hands and saw blood, I looked to my side and saw a body covered in blood. I looked back up at Roxy.

"I- I don't know." I croaked out, she looked at the body and pulled me up.

"Who is this?" She asked, I looked down at the body. I was in a daze and couldn't really think right, I stared at the person's face trying to think. I saw the tattoo on their neck and gasped, I remember who it was.

"That's Jason." I whispered.

"Jason, as in your boyfriend Jason?" She asked bewildered, I slowly nodded my head.

"What happened?" She said, I shook my head and looked back down at my hands.

"I killed him."

I sighed and opened my eyes, I saw the ocean and smiled. I stepped out of the car and head towards the water, I kicked my shoes off and walked into the water. I laughed and spun around, I pulled my shirt and shorts off revealing my bathing suit. I threw my cloths onto the sand and pulled my beanie off, I turned around and looked at the water. It just went on and on never ending, I smiled and dived into the water. I kicked my feet and and swam threw the water, I swam up to the top of the water and pushed my head through it. I took in a deep breathe when my head hit the air, I smiled and looked around.

I looked up on the beach and saw Justin. I gasped and swam up to the beach and ran out of the water, I ran up towards him and went to hug him. When my arms went around him though I fell forward and and hit the sand. A sob escaped my lips and I dropped my head down and cried down at the sand. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and I looked back up and saw Heaven, I grimaced and stood up. I wobbled and grabbed onto Heaven's shoulders for support, we walked over to where our towels were.

I laid down on my purple towel and closed my eyes, I sighed.

"You okay, bunny?" He whispered stroking my cheek, I laughed at the nick name that he gave me 4 years ago.

"Perfect." I whispered.

My eyes snapped open, I screamed and kicked my legs. I was remembering everything and it hurt. I sat up and screamed, I screamed and screamed and screamed. Soon I started to cry.

"Alice!?" I snapped my head up at the angelic voice that called my name, Justin.

"Justin." I whispered, he smiled and ran towards me.

*~*~*~*~*~* Justin's Pov *~*~*~*~*~*~

I heard a scream and looked to see where the were coming from, at first I thought I was seeing things. She kept screaming and screaming, she looked like she was in pain. That's when I saw the shine of the ring that was on her finger, it was Alice's engagement ring. I stood up and stared at the girl, she was Alice I just knew it.

"Alice!?" I yelled, she stopped screaming and snapped her head up.

"Justin." She whispered but I still heard it, I smiled and ran towards her. She stood up, I grabbed her and hugged her. I thanked God that this wasn't one of my hallucinations, I hid my face in her hair and breathed in.

"Its really you." I sighed, I hugged her closer and we stood like that. I knew we were both crying, who wouldn't. The love of my life has been missing for over a year, I finally found her. She pulled away and kissed me, I kissed her back. This kiss was filled with so much passion and love, I never wanted to let her go. We probably kiss for like an hour or so, but we got interrupted by someone coughing. I pulled away and looked behind her, she turned around too.

"Jake." She said, the guys sighed and shook his head. I grabbed Alice and held her to my body, I wasn't gonna let go of her now.

"Alice we have to go home, now." He said, Alice turned around and looked at me.

"I'm sorry but I have to." She whispered, she tried to pull away but I wouldn't let go of her.

"Please don't, I love you Alice." I whispered, she looked away and I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. She turned towards the man and sighed.

"Please just let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone. I just want to be with my family." She cried, the man looked at her and I saw some sympathy in his eyes. The girl that was standing next to him looked at Alice. She mouthed 'Run' Alice turned around and looked at me.

"Run Justin." She whispered, I shook my head. She pushed me and turned around, the other girl kicked the man in his 'special place'. Alice kicked her foot out and it landed right between his eyes, his head snapped back and he fell to the ground. Alice dropped to the ground and started going through his pockets, she pulled out some kind of remote and stood back up. She grabbed the other girl's hand and ran towards me.

"We have to go now." She gasped, I nodded my head and we ran towards my car. We all got in and I pulled out, I drove away from the beach and headed home. Alice she was home.

*~*~*~*~Alice Pov *~*~*~*~*

I'm free, I'm truly free. I smiled and laced my fingers in with Justin's he looked at me and smiled.

"It's a promise ring, so you know that one day I want to marry you." He said, I looked up with tears in my eyes. "That's not all, there's an inscription." I looked inside the ring, which read,

Our love is true, so it's gonna last forever and ever! <3 JB

I was full on crying by now, Justin grabbed me in a hug.

"Why are you crying Alice?" He asked, I took in a deep rigid breathe and looked up at him.

"I'm crying because I love it, I love you!!" I cried, I attacked him in kisses and he just happily kissed me back. "I love you so much Justin Drew Bieber!"

"I love you to Alice Fallen Sullivan." Justin smiled and kissed me back passionately, he pulled away and smiled at me, Justin started the car and headed towards the place where we were going to have our first date.

Like I said, I'll cherish that day forever.

"I love you Alice." Justin said, I looked back at him and smiled.

"I love you too."

"I've missed you so much!" I said hugging him, he laughed and hugged me tighter.

"Me too." He whispered in my hair, I pulled away and we walked into the kitchen. I motioned everybody to sit down, when everybody was sitting and the kids were in the living room watching tv I looked at them.

"Justin and I are getting married!" I shouted.

I laughed at this memory, we pulled up to my dad's house. I looked at Justin and he smiled.

"I texted everyone to meet me here." He said, I smiled and got out. I sighed and took a deep breathe in, I looked at my side at Heaven. She looked scared.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." I said, she smiled.

"Do you think they'll like me?" She asked, I laughed and nodded. She grabbed my left hand and Justin grabbed my right, we walked up towards the door and I grabbed the door knob. I sighed and twisted it to the left and pushed it open, when the door flew open almost every bodies attention was on it.

"I'm home." I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, thats alright because I like the way it hurts. Just gonna stand there and hear me cry thats alright because I love the way you lie, love the way you lie.

o.o she home!!! lol the drama hasn't stopped though :P

So as all you A7x fans know today is the day we lost the Rev, well I'm telling you to not feel bad. Ya you can mourn but Jimmy wouldn't want to see all his devoted fans crying and in pain, so today be happy but still mourn. What I did was cry for a really long time and then I walked outta my room and smiled and showed everyone I was alright. Don't be sad and depressed today, Jimmy would want us to be happy :D

We need more comments people, this story hasn't got that many comments and subscribers as our last story, I'm a little worried D: Also pm if you wanna join the story to do Heaven's parts :D lol you gotta love me right?

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