Status: Hiatus

Our World Made Up of Lies.

Right Girl

We all went to Daddy's house when we got a text from Justin saying that something important happened. For Justin saying this, we all knew it was big. Somehow, nothing was being said. No one was talking or even having silent conversations as we waited for Justin.

In between the silence, word were screaming in my head.

Mommy sighed, picking my small body up and resting my on her hip.

"What's wrong babe? You can talk to me." she said, trying to get me to talk to her.

I didn't want to tell my mother that I had a crush on the most popular boy in the whole fourth grade. His name was Junior Carter, and he absolutely hated me. Something about my head being to big for my body.. or something like that.

I shook my head, not giving in quite yet.

Her chest rose before falling again as she let out a sigh.

"Hun, you not talking is all I need to know that somethings bothering you. Silence is the loudest noise known to man." she told me.

That got to me. I spilled everything to her, and she said to just act like I didn't like him anymore. And it worked. I ignored him for a whole week, then he finally said he liked my hair. I was so happy. Mom smiled like her whole world was complete with us.

But what she said always stuck with me. Silence is the loudest noise.

And I still believe it.

I was brought back from the memory as the door crept open. Justin walked in first. My eyes instantly widening as I saw who was following him in.

"Alice!" I yelled, jumping up and doing a run-tackle on her small frame.

She squealed, gripping on to my body as we both fell to the ground, me on top.

I hugged her to me, holding on to her like she could evaporate from right under me. Nuzzling me face into her neck, I ignored the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Shh.. Roxy, it's okay. I'm home. We're home." she said, trying to comfort me.

I nodded, not trusting my own voice. Standing up, I offered my hand out to my sister and helped her up.

After that, everyone hugged her and told her about everything that's been going on. How Avenged Sevenfold is doing, how the girls are doing and so on. I just sat around, still letting it soak in that I have my sister back. Then I remembered that the kids should be waking up soon, so walked up the stairs and into the smaller room that Dad let the kids decorate themselves.

Heidi was sitting up, rubbing her eyes. Harley was slipping on his converse and jacket. I smiled at my babies. They've grown up so much in the past year. I love them with all my heart, and unlike myself, I'm going to make sure they have everything in the world.

"Hey guys, guess who's home?" I asked, not hiding the excitement in my eyes.

"Who?" they asked in sync.

"Auntie Alice." I said.

They shared a look, then looked back at me. "Oh." was all they muttered before walking less than enthusiastically past me.

Their response pulled at my heart. Oh? That's it? I convinced my self that they just didn't remember her well enough and walked back into the living room where everyone was.

The twins were outside on the swings talking. I felt like my kids were too concentrated on each other that they were blocking out the world. They were together for what seemed like 24-fucking-7 and I sometimes wonder if it's always going to be that way. It made me sad.

When Alice seen me, she smiled brightly. Her smile didn't faltered when she seen the twins walking in. It enlarged, but then fell when they walked right passed her.

"We'll be waiting in the car." Harley said, not bothering to acknowledge his aunt.

They walked out the front door without another word. I sighed, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket. I picked it up and smiled uncontrollably at the caller ID.

"Hey baby." I said into the phone.

"Gosh! I thought I was going to have to send out a search crew for you! Where have you been the last three days?!" her voice rang in my ear as I excused myself and walked out into the back, closing the sliding glass door after me.

I giggled, "Sorry, dear. Some shit went down, and I have some people I want you to meet." I told her, unable to hide the smile.

This girl.. she make me feel a lot happier than I've been in a long while. Her name's Desiree, but Desi. She's the only person that I could be around when Zacky would leave me alone. We met at work. She's a graphic designer like me at VU. We've been seeing each other a little over three weeks.

"Ohhh... would this someone happen to be who I think it is?" she chuckled.

"Yes, you're going to meet Brian too. But I just found out that my sister's back, and I think you should meet her." I said.

I heard her squeal then the phone drop, "I can't wait! I'm so excited! I and I just can't hide it!!" she sang/screamed.

I laughed, "Alright babe, I'll text you when and where, kay?"

We agreed on that and said our goodbyes. After that, I excused myself and went to take the twins to Chris. They missed him a lot lately.

Now I had to go get Desi to meet my family. This should go just swell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey there, sorry it's short, my modre is bugging me to make dinner, sad right? Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, causse there's more to come!!

Oh! Sotry of my day! My brother was sitting on the end of my bed and randomly asked "Does it hurt to fall off your bed?" I started laughing at him, then kicked him off when he wasn't looking and asked, "I don't know, does it?" Then that broke out into a major UFC fight that should have been YouTube worthy :D

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Thanks <3Maria