Status: | recently updated, won't be posting next chapter now until after christmas. |

Ocean Waves


“I love you” he whispered softly to her, it was like music to her ears – they laid there on the golden beach, breathing in the salty scent and squishing their toes deeper into the soft sand.

They had been like, birds – never being able to feel complete without being together, they were best friends,lovers and soul mates all rolled into one. They had of course met back in the glorious summer of 2007, where the weather was so unbearably hot you had to spend every minute of it in the local refreshing cool lake and by the end of the day, you'd be left with a golden tan.

They spent their days lounging around on the silken beach, dipping their toes gently into the cool crystal waters. Or fighting playfully until he had accomplished his mission – making her laugh uncontrollably until she was gasping for air like a child – he always knew how to make me her laugh, nobody but him knew how deadly ticklish she really was.

They had been inseparable, so perfect for each other it was untrue – until one day, HE ruined it, one day HE did the worst thing possible, all it took was for one simple letter to make their beautifully crafted world come crashing down.